Jason Christoff - 20 Truths to Make Your Life Better In 2025
Dec 05, 2024If you believe lies as truth, only pain will result. For example, if you believe you can fly and jump off a 10-story building, you're going to encounter pain......because you're believing lies as truth. If you believe that a person dressed in a white butcher coat can make you healthy with poison, the same painful result will occur. Every facet of life operates in the exact same manner.
Most people today are living inside various structures of immense pain and yet they aren't aware of this very simple rule. If someone you know is living in immense pain, all they need to do (to find relief) is to reverse engineer this one Universal rule. To remove the pain, simply find the lies you're living out as truth, and surgically remove them from your life......one by one.
It's also good to remember that your body, your mind and your nervous system can indeed become addicted to the pain and to a boring, mundane, meaningless and directionless existence. As humans, our regular routines and "what we already know" register as normal, predictable and comfortable in our nervous systems. It doesn't matter if what we already know is an amazing life or a really shitty one, any deviation from how we navigate or experience our day isn't welcome in our neurological system. The "same old-same old" makes us feel safe, calm and at ease. Different (even if amazing) makes us feel unsafe and uneasy.
That means people who've been living shitty lives for a very long time, will find that they continually fail when they try to make even the smallest improvements in their routines. This cycle is what's commonly known as self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is the body's innate genetic insistence, to keep things the same. This drive shows its ugly face when a person wants to start moving up in life. The bigger the move up, the more resistance the body/mind complex will generate.
If you want to overcome this internal genetic program to stay the same (even though you consciously want positive changes to occur), I have an offer for you at the end of this article. Remember this one simple rule. Lies cause pain. Truth causes happiness. If you need more happiness and less pain in your life, in 2025, just start adopting the truth and removing the lies. It's that simple. Let me help you pinpoint the lies, so you can install the truths into yourself right away.
1. Medical doctors are health experts. That's a lie. They aren't. Medical doctors and the conventional medical system are the #1 cause of premature death in the US and the EU. Real health experts are healthy and they don't endorse poison. Poison can't make you healthy. Poison doesn't work like that. If you keep going to your doctor when you're chronically ill, you're going to encounter pain and lots of it. Pain is your personal slap in the face, there to remind you that you're on the wrong path.
2. The government is there looking out for your best interest. It isn't. The government is a business, just like The Foot Locker is a business. The Foot Locker sells shoes. The government sells illusion. You pay $200 to the Foot Locker for your shoes. You pay the government more than half your income for their fake feel-good illusions. The franchise business of government is the most profitable business ever invented, and its franchisees are worldwide. What you know as countries, are the franchises. The United States (like every other country franchise) are registered as businesses, with profit as their stated corporate goals.
3. Viruses are invisible, they float in the air and they can make me sick. All lies. Viruses don't exist in the way advertised. Poisons make you sick. Sick humans are easier to rule, control, dominate, lie to, steal from, govern and farm. Government (a worldwide franchised business model) poisons you daily, to make you sick and easier to farm. The owners of the business called government had to invent a fictitious reason, as to why you're such a sick and disempowered slave for most of your life. As they poison you on every front (and as you get sick from those poisons), they blame viruses that have never existed. Over 1 billion people are now injured or dead because they believed SARS-COV-2 existed, when it never did. There are hundreds of billions as well in economic losses, for something that never was. Live out this one lie as truth and your life is going in the shitter fast.
4. My taxes pay for the roads and essential services.......like the free injectable poisons that the government pressures me to get yearly. It doesn't matter what country you're in right now, that business is trillions in debt to the world banks (the franchisor), which each government franchise has to borrow its money from. Each franchise business called your country can operate in perpetual debt. Your country doesn't need your taxes to operate. Wealthy slaves have options. Options are otherwise known as freedoms. Each franchise of government can only produce maximum profit when the slaves are extorted, in order that they have almost no freedom, financial power or options. That's why you pay taxes, so you don't build any power or freedoms.
5. Fluoride is good for my teeth. it isn't. Fluoride is one of the many brain damaging super toxins promoted by the franchise business called government, to keep the slaves sick and stupid. Contained inside the franchise manual for government, is all the propaganda systems required to popularize, normalize and mainstream all these poisons right into the minds and bodies of the slave class. Fluoride has been near the top of the slave poisoning government franchise manual for almost 100 years. Dumb and sick slaves maximize profits for the business franchise, masquerading as your government. It's a business that needs you sick.
6. Government school exists to make sure you're educated and capable of supporting yourself. Another lie that many live out as truth. Government school is designed to make the graduates uneducated and unable to survive in the most basic way, outside the reality simulation that the franchise of government manufacturers and maintains. Public school graduates don't know how to grow food, dig a well, shingle a roof, fix basic electronics, preserve food, fix a motor, exercise, reverse disease, think, debate, invent, innovate, start a business, manage money, raise kids, invest...zero, nothing, nada. Graduates of the government brainwashing system know how to take orders and not to question authority.
7. Your TV shows and movies are there to entertain you plus your news shows are there to keep you up to date and informed. False. The franchise of government and the immense profits it produces, by selling fake feel good illusions to poisoned slaves, requires 24 hour per day mind control, propaganda and brainwashing. The TV shows, movies and news stations are all part of the government franchise manual.....to keep the slaves continually running east looking for sunset.
8. Vaccines are the greatest medical invention in recorded history and they've saved millions of lives. You are free to awaken at any time. Vaccines are indeed the greatest medical invention in recorded history FOR THE FRANCHISED BUSINESS OF GOVERNMENT, because the never-ending propaganda campaigns around these injections of poison keep the slave class in a perpetual toxic state of unconsciousness, diseases, despair and dysfunction...thus making those weak poisoned slaves easier to rule. The only lives saved by vaccines are the lives of the government business franchisees, as a healthy public would certainly kill the franchise employees if those slaves ever regained their full strength. Vaccines are indeed safe and effective....in the way that they are safe and effective for the owners of your country, to keep all the slaves as weak and sick as possible, without the public understanding what's happening.
9. The theory of evolution and Darwinism proves that each generation becomes smarter, stronger and more advanced through the process of natural selection. False. We now have teachers in school telling children that there are more than two genders, some students are identifying as cats (or even objects) and many people still believe that they can get healthier by injecting poison into themselves etc. The franchise of government and the human farming manual that comes with this franchise, dictates that you must keep reducing the intelligence and strength of the human cattle in perpetuity, in order to produce greater profits overtime.
10. There are more than 2 genders. Obviously false. This is actually inside the human farming manual for government franchise owners, and it has been rolled out before. Confused slaves are easier to rule. Confusion weakens the intellect, dulls the senses and demoralizes on a spiritual level. It's all about weakening the slaves on as many fronts as possible. Some forms of weakening are visible, some invisible, some financial, some psychic, some physical etc.. The famous Chinese dictator Mao Zedong did the same, confusing the genders......because it's a for-profit franchise business model, where maximum profit is directly related to maximum weakness in the slave class.
11. Your TV is a valuable part of your life, allowing you free education about the world and also allowing you to "relax", as you entertain yourself. False. Your TV is a documented military weapon, designed specifically to mind control you on every level possible. People who believe that they're too smart to be placed under mind control, are the easiest to place under mind control. Just look at 2020-2024 1 billion injured and dead (worldwide) from an injection of poison said to be a vaccine (which it wasn't) to protect themselves from a virus that never existed....all sold using mind control. The lies today are designed to be fatal.
12. Alcohol in moderation is healthy. False. There's a reason there's something called "alcohol poisoning" and nothing called "cauliflower poisoning". There's no scientific evidence in the entire world that proves alcohol poison is healthy for anyone in moderation. Poison doesn't work like that. Alcohol is the second most effective disempowering substance that the master mind controllers have ever shoehorned into our society. Yes, it's everywhere. Of course it's everywhere, because stupid and sick slaves maximize the profit of every government business franchise.
13. Coffee is healthy. Absolute inversion, completely false. Coffee is the #1 most effective mind control substance ever shoehorned (via social engineering) into our society. Not only does daily caffeine consumption make you extremely unhealthy and guarantees your premature death, but caffeine also primes the human nervous system to be extremely suspectable to all forms of mind control.
14. Marijuana is a medicine and it's super healthy. It's the same lie, simply applied to a different mind control/toxic substance. The franchise of the business called "your country" has a manual for the profitable running of that business. Keeping the human cattle dumb, fat, lazy, inept, stoned, sedated, tranquilized, weak and brain damaged is how the taxation extraction of the human livestock is most efficiently organized. From the opium smuggled into China in the late 1700's (to kick off that business franchise) to Bill Clinton smuggling cocaine out of his law office in Little Rock Arkansas, it's all about following the human farming manual, in order to maximize profits.
15. The media is there to tell me the truth about what's going on in the world and what my government is doing. I hope you're connecting the dots by now. If you click here, you can listen to a German reporter explain everything, up to and including that he was paid by the CIA directly, to invent fake stories for public consumption. He died of a "heart attack" shortly after this live TV confession. I'm sure the CIA's heart attack gun had nothing to do with it.
16. I'm too smart and too intelligent to ever fall for any of the media or government mind control campaigns. Yes, of course, another whopper lie. In this made for Netflix special, we see 3 out of 4 people mind controlled in short order, to murder a third party LIVE on video. If you click here, you'll also see a lady who actually believes that she can't be placed under mind control. It takes a mind control expert 2 minutes to put her under. Once under, she's programmed to believe she's a man named Bob....when obviously she's a lady named Carol. You're already designed to be placed under mind control. It's in your genes and in your DNA. They wouldn't run their mind control campaigns, if they didn't work on most people. People who don't know how mind control works, are the easiest to put under mind control.
17. My big box grocery store has all the healthy food I need for the future. Nope, false, not true. There's something called the PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP. This is also known in some circles as fascism (a collusion between government and business, for enslaving/euthanizing the public). The private/public partnership is simply how wolves or velociraptors hunt their prey. They hunt in packs, in order to maximize the chances that the kill is made. Your big box grocery stores have been serving you and your family poisoned food for decades, for the same reason they're legalizing hard drugs....because sick, dumb and inept people maximize the profits of the business franchise called your country.
18. You can be completely happy working a job you don't enjoy, in order to have half your income stolen by the government franchise operator in your country, so that you can finally control your entire day when you're 60 plus years old. This is blatantly false on its very face. The majority of mental and physical breakdowns are directly linked to embracing this massive lie as truth. That's not even mentioning that the government business franchise operator called "your country" has already extinguished all the public/private pensions, diverting your money to their ancient goals of ruling the world. This means that the only way to pay out your pension is to keep printing company paper "tickets" (that you call money), which means even if you're getting paid $100,000 per year through your pension, it will only buy what $20,000 buys today.
19. COVID-19 was a lab leak or natural virus. These are the two biggest lies of our time, parading straight down Mainstreet. This coupled hybrid lie is protected by every form of mind control ever developed. This is the lie the system needs to breathe. There are no viruses (in the way that they're advertised), lab leaks or otherwise. The people in charge want you to pick one of the two viral avenues to play on (weaponized virus lab leak or natural virus) because again....all the NWO enslavement plans use this one whopper coupled hybrid lie as the very cornerstone of all their death cult plans for our future. You don't need fake death certificates, fake vaccines, coercion, propaganda, fake death statistics, police enforcement or hospital protocols that purposely kill patients for "effect".....if a real viral threat exists. It doesn't matter if you're in the truth movement or on the mainstream news, if you say that viruses are real (in anyway) you'll be given safe passage through Satan's realm.
20. Russian and Ukraine are separate countries, fighting over disputing land. False. As stated before, these are franchise businesses and these franchises always work together, using the manual of the business to guide their actions. The same lockdowns, masking, fake fatal vaccines and propaganda rolled out in Russia as well. It was the same in all country franchises because the manual of actions (updated on a regular basis by the banking cartel franchisor) made sure that each franchisee helped out with the worldwide corporate plan for maximum profit. Inside the franchise manual is a clause about "removing strong males" as strong males are the biggest threat to the profit of the each and every franchise. The wars are purposely organized and each fake country franchise benefits immensely by killing the strong males on each side of the fake lines we call borders. Monetary theft, through war contracts, is also part and parcel of the fabricated wars between friendly franchisees.
So if you're the type of person who thinks the countries are all separate (even though they followed the same manual for COVID simultaneously), that viruses are real, that alcohol is healthy in moderation, that your vote counts, that your government is looking out for your best interest or that your schools (including University and Colleges) are there to manufacture ultra intelligent super hero citizens..........you're just going to keep getting more pain in your life. The 20 lies listed above are just the beginning. Try living some truth in 2025 and see what happens. I guarantee you that your life will get better, promise. If you need more guidance in 2025, please click the link below and come work with me personally.
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