Nov 18, 2021
These are the ways most social media channels are reshaping your mind, your behaviors and the chemical make up of your nervous system....
1. The Casino Effect – the sounds of messages and comments coming in are meant to stimulate the excitement centers of the brain, similar to the noises in a casino, which in turn helps the person bond to the sounds and crave them. The sounds of “attention” and "virtual connection" can help decorate someone’s empty life and set up a Facebook addiction. When people react to your posts with likes and comments, it triggers a satisfaction substance called dopamine, proven to initiate addictive behavior. This agenda revolves around breaking down traditional family and community bonds by making people bond with computers and electronics, as opposed to family and other humans. One of the founding executives of Facebook explains the same in this comment.
2. Facial Recognition – this is why it’s called Facebook by the ruling families who organized this technology, to track everyone’s face, so face recognition software can track you across the world if you happen to run or cause too much trouble when the Orwellian Boot kicks you in the face in the upcoming years. As a side note, this technology is completely bogus at this point in time, because many recent arrests were based on faulty facial recognition matching. Just another scam to throw you in the slammer when you cause some trouble for our social engineers down on the control gird. They want to be able to track you everywhere, in case you leave the control grid. Facial recognition technology is one part of the human farming operation, to keep all human cattle inside the fence. Any app where you look into your phone to apply any face effect, you're triggering the facial recognition software to map your face. Most people are dying to fit in.....literally. It's easy to hunt, enslave and even murder most long as you offer them fun, giggles and entertainment in return.
3. Emotional Venting – the emotional venting of the slave class is a simple technology, which is used in many other areas as well, not just Facebook. It’s about making the slave class believe that they have a say and some form of control, by allowing them to vent off emotion or rebellion potential, as to divert that anger energy away from the abusive slave master government figures. Slaves, in their 9-5 slavery, don’t experience a full range of emotions or control in their lives so the “emotion” icons were added to help with the emotional venting, a way to trick the slave’s mind into pretending it has control. To more fully understand this venting concept, you may want to watch this video I made on how sports is used in the same way, to vent off rebellion potential from the slave class, to help protect the tyrannical slave master. Click here to fully understand why emojis are part of all social media. Why do they want you "emotional" all the time and using the "emoji-cons"? It's because emotions are the opposite of thinking, inside your neurological system. Just another psychological con job, the emoji-cons
4. Using Likes To Drive Addiction – the algorithms inside the Facebook program are set to more widely distribute what you write or post to your friend list, the less you use it. This means the first post you make in the morning, gets the widest distribution, and successive posts that follow, get progressively less and less distribution. Facebook is designed like a casino machine, to give out a massive payout of likes, with your first post in a day, to make sure you’re drawn to the addiction daily. It is also interesting to note that more likes, comments and traffic toward your page happens when you are on it. This means when you sit in front of the computer or phone scrolling, you get more emotional rewards, as opposed to posting and walking away. This sort of brain activation reward control system makes people addicted to short term reward only, making them unable to apply themselves to any project that provides a reward in the long-term future, like starting a business for example. This short-term stimuli system manufacturers a person who needs reward on a minute-to-minute basis, placing real success completely out of their reach because real success is based on accomplishing long term goals. This cements a slave farther in their slavery, especially conditioning the mind to be adverse to starting an independent business venture. The man at this link explains the death of long-term goals (which is great for the ruling 1% and terrible for the slave class) via electronic addiction. The part of the brain that gets activated by Facebook stimulation actually grows in size, needing more and more stimulation from Facebook or other stimulants. What this means is that Facebook technology, which is proven to activate addiction centers in the brain, can trigger other addiction and short-term pleasure seeking. In short, Facebook can trigger the hedonism gone wild spiritual take over that’s now so common within the population at large.
5. Removing Focused Action and Inserting Slacktavism – by allowing slaves to pretend they have a say in all topics it also stops them from preparing for what’s really coming. Many people vote online to save the rain forest or stop the pollution or they write an article about the government being corrupt but how many actually have a firearm, a wood stove, a supply of food, lots of ammo, solar power, a fresh water supply, warm clothing, hunting supplies, fishing supplies etc etc. When a person thinks they’re helping the world by doing little, if anything at all, they’re now deemed a “slacktavist”, (engaging in slacktavism) and our society is drowning in this type of dis-empowered narcissist. The powers that organize Facebook would rather give the population pretend control through Facebook posts, to help them vent, as opposed to the slaves using that same energy to actually prepare for what’s coming. Our social engineers will use the economy, power/heat/lighting, food, false flags, ever increasing violence and the ensuing chaos against the population soon enough so it’s best to make at least minor preparations, if not major ones. Stop just writing about stuff and talking about it on social media……do something and take action. Don't be a slacktavist.
6. Dissident Tracking – Facebook algorithms track who’s posting pictures of their cats and their glass of wine on a Friday night (the compliant drone bot, boot licker, order taker, repeater, grade A slave, government loving, flag waiving, war monger, cheer leader, sedated, distracted, sports watcher, coffee drinking go along to get along infant type) and Facebook also tracks who actually knows what’s going on. Both types of people are targets, using different methods. The uninformed slave will be poisoned off the planet of course with vaccines, toxic meds, ever increasing poisonous junk food, cell phone radiation, fluoride, chemtrails, taxed into oblivion, charity drives designed to steal their money etc and the dissidents will be hunted down eventually………unless every slave comes together as one force and demands slave master reel in his satanic behavior. Regardless, no one will be spared spreading the word and awakening more people is the only strategy that I believe is worthwhile on Facebook or any other social media platform. Find people of knowledge on Facebook and other social media platforms who can help you learn, educate, ascend, evolve, rediscover morality, promote ethical behavior and move the world in the direction it needs to go. People who take alcohol selfies and post pictures of their newest purchases are holding our entire society back with their short-term addictions to pleasure and utter infantilized laziness. Let's all adult up and get on with it. Facebook also tracks the most powerful truth-based information and then tags limitation algorithms to that empowering information, so the least amount of people can share and spread ideas that open the mind. Facebook inversely also uses highly contagious algorithms so that useless information and compliant behavior spreads far and wide, to provide the reflexively obedient order taker with the emotional feedback they need to feel secure and content in their empty life of slavery down on the human farm.
7. Behavior Analysis – the behavior of the collective Facebook community is analyzed daily regarding if the public is still under hypnosis or not. How are people reacting to each particular fabricated news event our handlers manufacture and spread using the lame stream media? What story works best to inject fear into the public, what colors work best, what pictures work best, are the sheep still asleep, do the tyrants have to start placing even more toxins in the vaccines to destroy nervous system function in the slave class, is more fluoride needed, maybe more mercury fillings. maybe a couple more 5G towers that disrupt optimal brain function etc etc. This is called Cybernetics…..the study of how the bullshit travels, how fast the bullshit travels and in what direction. The ruling 1% use Facebook to assess the most effective way to move their ancient lies into the collective psyche of the public. Government propaganda is advertising for ancient ruling families and their ancient inverted goals of death, destruction and chaos. (this group is often called The Hidden Hand) Like any good business, you need to track the results of your advertising to see what works best for driving the profit skyward. The group who rules us profits from our death, misery and lost human potential.
8. The Like Language Effect – if you’ll notice, many young people today can’t communicate effectively using language, because every second word is “like“. Word magic, the ability to communicate effectively and change another person’s mind, is interrupted by the word “like” being used in a sentence. The use of the word “like” as a joining word in sentences is slave talk, for the slaves, because it means no effective communication of ideas can occur or manifest. The use of the “like” button and conversations about “likes” drives that word deeper into the slave subconscious, making it more apt to be used in slave talk, if that is even possible. I hear young people talk today and every second word is “like” and of course this form of communication destroys their ability to lead others or bring groups together etc etc, like a good speaker (magician) has done throughout the ages. Using the word “like” is all part and parcel of what teacher John Taylor Gatto calls the new dumbness. The new dumbness is a new manufactured state of dumbness, that doesn’t occur naturally in children or adults when raised absent of media and government influence.
9. The Emoji Agenda – Facebook added emotion icons to the reaction buttons for posts but that wasn't always the case, it used to just be a like and dislike buttons. This of course is based on research that proves people who can’t communicate can’t lead themselves or others because they can’t find the proper wording to get their points across. The research also shows that people who can’t express themselves with language are always easier to control and even more prone to violence. By using an emoticon reaction to a post, instead of explaining exactly how you’re feeling with words, you self-murder the part of yourself charged with expressing your emotions and thoughts with any precision. Emoticons are designed to dumb down the slave class even more, throwing them down the evolutionary ladder, to the status of drooling troll, making them unable to communicate or describe exactly how they’re feeling……and more importantly eliminate any sort of deep thought processes by which a slave can rally themselves or other slaves against the tyrannical control of slave master. The emotional part of the brain is also the opposite part of the thinking part of the brain, so the more emotional you are, the less you can think AT ALL. By controlling the emoji buttons on the screen, you control the emotional spectrum of the participant. Use your mind and bring it out of the abyss by expressing your emotions with words and not the psy-op emoticons our human farmers set us up to use. This is very similar to what is called “The Sponge Bob Square Pants Effect”, a similar agenda to destroy communication skills in children.
10. The Delayed Comment “Dinging” Operation – this is new and what Facebook is doing is storing comments to your posts and waiting until you stop scrolling or until you open another window on the computer or put down your phone. At that point Facebook lets the stored comments come through, activating the Pavlovian bell (the “dinging”) to come back to the Facebook page, therefore driving the addiction cycle deeper into the nervous system. So again, the comments to posts (which come with the loud dinging if the users permit these noises) are being saved up and then purposely let out when you walk away, stop scrolling or when you open another page on your compute pr phone. All designed to get you moving back and participating in all the agendas described above. It just means you never leave your phone to accomplish anything meaningful in your life, which means you always stay a dependent slave inside the control grid.
11. The Elimination of Views That Disrupt and Challenge the Control Grid – the tyrannical control grid we all live under is fortified by several key lies, which are constant across the globe. One of the supporting arms of tyranny is vaccination. Vaccination is part of the brain damage agenda, the agenda to destroy the ability of the slave class to think, even on the most basic level. Now Facebook is making sure that truthful research regarding vaccinations and the exposure of this brain damage agenda can't be shared between citizens. The ruling class pollute, poison and even murder the slave class with poisons of all kinds, in order to increase the ease of rule.....where 10,000 people can indeed rule billions, but only if those billions are diseased, depressed, disempowered, disoriented and dysfunctional. Whatever accomplishes these goals will be up regulated on social media. Anything that tries to warn the slave class of this very simple control mechanism is removed in seconds, so this control/poison/propaganda agenda can march forward.
12. The Use Of Your Own Emotions To Censor Posts – It would appear that you should never give any post that’s truly valuable a “shock” (a wow) or “sad” face icon reaction because Facebook starts to block those posts. The more sad and surprise faces you offer to a post, the more Facebook stops that information from going deeper into your friends list. This is a very common tactic inside ruling family circles, using your very own energy against you. You use your energy to sort the posts on behalf of the ruling families and they’ll use their programmed algorithms to block the posts that are the most shocking and most truthful. People today, when faced with the truth, most often hit the shock face or the sad face. Facebook uses this process as a home grown and no cost option for censoring the truth. Facebook simply allows the posts with the most laughs and happy faces to dive deeper into the collective conscious of the mind controlled society because a happy, entertained, giggling and childish population is easier to rule. By doing this you can govern the population through pleasure and dopamine release, which is the primary ruling family principle for tyrannically controlling the public through an emotional and psychic dictatorship. Give them coffee, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, fluoride, pain killers, tranquilizing anti-depressants, opioids, narcotics, junk food……and of course only give them the happiest Facebook posts (plus unlimited internet porn and other titillating media), to keep them smiling ear to ear and fully lobotomized, inside the slave camp. This way the slave camp is well decorated with positive emotions plus the illusion of freedom is well fortified inside the mind. Pavlovian psychology applied to herd behavior and herd control. Learn what else Facebook does to control your mind. If there’s a post that’s truthful and valuable, hit the “like” button ONLY.
Maybe use social media or maybe quit...... but know what’s happening. Use this knowledge to help study the people, who are studying you. Know thy enemy.
You can also click here and here to learn more about Facebook constantly plotting against the public and anything that makes the public healthier, wealthier or happier.
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