Just Discovered - The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Secret?
Oct 04, 2024I'll try to make this very short, so you can investigate yourself. There's evil afoot and what we're told are vaccines, aren't anything of the sort. I've been researching vaccines for 25 years and I've watched every vaccine documentary in this list of 60 as well. I would simply suggest you watch maybe the first 3-5 in this list, to get a firm understanding of the lies that underpin this very obvious and dark vaccine agenda. After 25 years of research, I've never come across anything like what I came across yesterday. The vaccine industry biggest dirtiest secret is now out in the open.
In this first video below, we see something that's extremely common. We see a top-level athlete (and perfectly healthy father, husband etc) completely crippled by the COVID injection. The COVID shot never qualified under any past science or medical definition, as a vaccination. This is why I never describe the COVID injection as a vaccine. Saying that (based on this new information), no vaccine has ever qualified as a vaccine.....as is clearly explained farther down in this article. Basically, according to medical researcher Sasha Laytpova, you can't vaccinate against any threat AT ALL.....and yet her work exposes much more government, science and medical corruption than just this single bombshell revelation.
What's most important in this tragic story above (and I've personally donated to the Sepp family already) is that we see the second injection completely cripple this extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp. It wasn't the first COVID injection, it was the second. This is such an important piece of the eugenic, genocidal and euthanasia jigsaw puzzle.....which can easily be missed, discounted or outright ignored without a second thought.
The "second shot take down" is such an easy/common occurrence to ignore and sweep under the rug, even if you're in the business of trying to uncover the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, the multiple shot sequence is designed to kill, regardless of what other super toxins are included in the vial. The multiple shot process kills and cripples, well beyond what other toxins are pushed under the skin.......and the crime families (posing as our altruistic governments) know this. This is exactly what happened to the extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp in the video above.
The information I'm about to document below, with a couple different explanations of the same discovery......is that the multiple shot sequence (originated introduced with the flu vaccines, the HPV vaccines and now the COVID shots) appears purposely organized to kill and cripple. You're being hunted in so many ways, you need to take evasive action. If you're familiar with my work, you already know what's happening and you already know what actions to take. Just keep pushing inch by inch in the right direction and we'll all get out of this very soon.
According to the research explained in layman terms below, anything injected multiple times can cause a deadly allergic reaction in the human body. The research on this extremely destructive "second shot allergic reaction" was conducted long ago. This exact research (and researcher) were the recipient of the noble prize at the time it was discovered. After that, this knowledge has been weaponized against the general population. It appears that all the multi shot vaccines (and the massive number of vaccines in general) are designed with this allergic disease and death causing effect in mind.
My take on this is extremely simple. Multiple shot platforms (like flu, HPV, COVID etc) are designed purposely to kill and cripple, beyond just the toxins injected. According to Dr. James Thorpe, the combined total of dead and crippled from the COVID injection is 580 million worldwide. The mechanisms of action regarding death/injury are much simpler than we've ever imagined. It's the process of multiple shots, which are a significant contributor to death and injury, not just the toxic vial contents. Here's over 100 documentaries proving the COVID operation was fraud on all levels, no exceptions.
It's also time to take a second look at the injections that have normalized in our society thus far and not only vaccines. Allergy shots, b-12 injections, Botox, lip plumber, Ozempic, testosterone therapy, insulin etc etc. Are these injections the primary cause of the disease tsunami that the western world is now drowning in?
But wait, like a bad informercial......there's more. The second shot allergic reaction is also associated with cancer genesis, which is then treated with conventional cancer treatments that are known to kill the patient very quickly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, in order that the people in the back row may start paying attention........we all live inside an ancient death cult disguised as an advanced and progressive society. The group in control believes in ancient human sacrifice and whether you want to consider the idea or not, you're living through a mass sacrifice ritual right now. If you want to live, you'll need to stop watching the TV and focus on regaining your full spectrum strength in the real world.
In the book "The Root Cause of Cancer" by author Paul Leendertse, he reminds his readers that cancer was 1 in 30 in 1900 and now it's almost 1 in 2. Other researchers have also recounted that many doctors in the past have openly declared that they've never seen a patient with cancer, who was unvaccinated. Only the vaccinated are ripe with the cancers, according to many physicians who were speaking out in the early 20th century.
Simply investigate these 3 sources for more information, regarding the same discovery by medical researcher Sasha Latypova. Click here to see her interviewed on this subject by famous podcaster James Delingpole. Click here to read Sasha Latypova's original article, where she first broke the news of this discovery. Click here to see a layman's review on the same subject via Exposing The Darkness Substack. Latypova, in the first interview link, openly discusses germ theory vs terrain theory and also explains the questionable theory of genetic determination etc etc.
Full spectrum independence and strength is the only survival route out of this mess. I teach these concepts 1-2 times per year. The next semester is open on Oct 27th, 2024. Click the picture below to learn more. Come work with me LIVE, overcome your own personal self-sabotage, teach others how to do the same, start your own business, connect with like minds and learn how to develop my essential 5 pillars of strength system in your own life. You're going to need everything I teach, not only today but every other day you're on this planet. Protect yourself, protect your loved ones and protect your community. I'll make sure you're ready for whatever the world throws at you. See you on opening day.
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