How The Vaccinated Can Use Their Mass Compliance to Fully Understand Mind Control and Psychological Manipulation

Jul 01, 2024

Although this seems like a sticky's actually a very truthful, serious and helpful title. This article isn't meant to mock the vaccinated whatsoever. It's meant to help. This article will be a short step by step tutorial, regarding how mind control works, while using the psychological COVID operation as the sounding board and backdrop......from which everyone can learn from. It's time to learn how mind control works, so our society doesn't fall for the next psychological operation.

This article will benefit both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated immensely. To understand mind control is to successfully prepare oneself for the next mind control operation, which unfortunately is now a daily occurrence in our society. COVID was the greatest psychological operation in recorded history, in regards to the sheer number of people placed under the prefabricated media and government mind control spell. To start, it's important to view 3 examples (although I could list hundreds), demonstrating mind control applied to people in real life. Watch the three real life mind control examples below, they're amazing.

Mind Control Example #1 - click here to see mind control expert Derren Brown, easily place 2 marketing experts under a mind control spell, in a very short amount of time. Mind control is about the mind controller hijacking the behavior, thoughts and ideas of the mind control victims......without the victims being aware that it's happening.

Mind Control Example #2 - click here to see psychological manipulation expert Justin Williams mind control 3 teenagers in only minutes. Like all good mind control victims, they believe they're too smart and too sharp to be placed under mind control. Again, doing what the mind control expert wants, while you believe that you're making up your own mind, is what mind control is all about. The COVID operation worked using the exact same mind control tactics and objectives, to make the public believe that they were making up their own minds to get the shot.....when what the public were doing, thinking and saying was being completely controlled by the brainwashing experts in media and government.

Mind Control Example #3 - here's another good example with famous musician Harry Connick Jr. on late night TV, where the mind control expert not only controls the behavior of the late-night talk show host (James Corden), the mind control expert controls the minds of the entire studio audience as well. These were the same tactics used against the public during the COVID psy-op, to trick the public to inject very dangerous material into themselves and their family members. 

Now there's a very important soundbite I've clipped from the first video above, right here. The most important words are spoken from Derren Brown in that first clip and again it's important you click here to listen. He says, "if you knew the amount of effort we've gone into making this work, you would be absolutely flabbergasted..." All mind control operations or hacks use the same tactics and they're all laid out well in advance. Inside this added bonus video, Derren Brown even uses mind control to make 3 people murder someone else live on video. Click here to watch that. You will be baffled at what mind control can do. That's how powerful mind control can be. Mind control can make people do absolutely anything, if crafted well enough..........up to and including tricking people to kill others, kill or injure themselves and even to kill or injure their own children.

The similarities between COVID and the videos linked above are direct, solid and undisputable. COVID was a well laid out and premanufactured mind control operation.......and like all mind control operations (both small and large) the people who fell for the psy-op, "would not believe the amount of effort put in, for making it work". For people who took the vaccine, they need to ask themselves (for educational purposes only and not shaming purposes)......what aspects of the COVID psy-op made them fall for that mind control operation? What made them comply with the desires, wishes and long-term objectives of the mind control experts.....while believing that they were in full control of their decisions, behaviors and thoughts? That's where it starts. It starts with asking the question........"was I placed under mind control during the COVID operation, to take the shot?" 

Maybe someone who took the vaccine believed there was a pandemic? Maybe someone who took the vaccine believed that deaths from COVID were mounting rapidly all across the world? Maybe someone who took the vaccine started seeing that more and more people were testing positive for COVID? These are all logical reasons to modify your own behavior and run as quickly as possible into the vaccine clinic to wait patiently in line to get the shot.

Well, again........this is how we begin to learn about psychological mind control operations. We need to recognize, observe and study what triggers got us to take the shot.....which actually wasn't even a vaccine. The injection wasn't a vaccine, they lied about that as well. More importantly, like all mind control's important to realize that all stages of the psy-op were all planned out well in advance. Can the people who took the shot start to identify and recognize the step-by-step triggers, which were carefully designed to get the public moving in the direction that the mind controllers desired? Let's continue with some very uncomfortable truths to finish off.

First, there was no pandemic when the pandemic was declared. There were no excess deaths and there was nothing to worry about whatsoever in regards to disease, sickness, death etc. Click here to listen to world famous statistician Denis Rancourt explain this fact very clearly. In fact, when the first lockdown was declared in March of 2020, death rates actually went below baseline levels and so were all measurements of hospital usage as well. As we were being told to ramp our fear up into the stratosphere (which is proven to retard brain function...another essential facet of effective mind control operations) there was absolutely no increase in deaths above baseline levels. During the lockdowns, less people were dying, compared to historical trends. There was no pandemic. Yes, the government and the media colluded to lie to the public. All successful mind control operations begin and end with modifying the information received by the mind control victim. This usually includes lying to the public.

It was all fake and it was all based on purposeful and strategic lies, as I explain in this podcast. We did eventually get a massive spike in deaths and hospital usage markers, but only after the COVID injection was rolled out. After the extremely toxic COVID injection came out, deaths and injuries started to skyrocket......which the mind controllers quickly blamed on COVID or the unvaccinated, to get more people running into the injection sites. Everything said during a mind control operation is often a complete 180-degree inversion of the truth. 

The COVID test was also fake as well. The RT-PCR process isn't a test, it's a process. It doesn't matter if it's the at home testing kits or the lab testing for's all part of the mind controller's sleight of hand, as can be learned about by clicking here.

The most important aspect of this mind control operation was COVID 19 the virus.....otherwise known as SARS-COV-2. SARS-COV-2 unfortunately never existed, as can be easily learned about by clicking here. If you don't have something that exists, you can't develop a strategy or medical application to counter that imaginary threat. There can be no variants of something that has never existed obviously either. If there's no threat and no virus, there's no need for lockdown, travel restrictions, testing, curfews, increased government spending, increased government control, capacity limits or any of the other tyrannical communist policies......which were only some of the real objectives of the COVID psychological mind control operation. This is also why the testing protocol had to be fraudulent as well because there was never anything real to test for in the first place. 

So as we circle back, knowing that there's lots more I could say here, it's important that anyone who took the shot ask themselves some very simple questions. It's not time to judge. It's time to learn. It's time to educate. It's time to learn from our collective experience, failures and prepare for the next mind control operation. That's the best we can do.

To anyone who took the shot......and yes there were many fabricated pressures to comply........think about how you got there, to make the decision to go to the vaccine clinic. Now that you know that it was all fake, think about how they marched you into making the decision, outside your conscience awareness, because the mind controllers slowly psychologically manipulated you over time. What part of your programming worked against you? Was it your blind faith in government? Was it your blind faith in media, medicine and science that got you running to the clinic? Was it your need to be safe inside the group? Was it group pressure......all of it fabricated purposely of course.......but was it the pressure of 'fit in with the crowd' that got the better of you? Think hard. This is very important. At this point in time, your life actually depends on you taking an honest look at this situation. What made you inject poison into yourself, while believing it was the most logical and rational decision for you to make at the time......because that's what mind control is capable of doing. Mind control can make people do absolutely anything that the controller desires, especially if the victim doesn't understand the telltale signs that mind control is in play. As a mind control researcher, I knew what was happening. 

Two mind control presentations that I've done are below, for you to gain additional knowledge. The mind controllers are coming again of course and they don't need military weapons anymore. It's just easier to mind control you to take yourself and your own family out. Mind control is the preferable military weapon in our modern 5th generation warfare era. Although it takes longer to trick people to kill and injure themselves, at least all the public's assets are still intact for thieving. There are also no legal charges you can file, if you're psychologically tricked to kill and injure yourself either. There are many advantages for holding back the tanks, soldiers and the public are tricked to inject poison into themselves and into their own kids.

Yes, you're at war right now and you have been for quite some time. Due to the application of this sort of mind control, you can easily become programmed to be an enemy to yourself and an enemy to your own family. Because most people believe that they're too smart to be tricked like this, it's really hard for the average person to recognize what's happening and to react appropriately. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to make people believe he didn't exist. Thank you for reading this article and have a great day. 



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