How I Knew Something Was Extremely Wrong 20 Years Ago and Why I Risked Everything To Talk About It

Oct 25, 2024

You may not know this but I used to write for 2-3 Canadian newspapers about 15 years ago. I wrote articles for those newspapers for about 10 years. If you can believe it, many of those shorter newspaper articles were similar in tone to what I write about today. Obviously, times have changed quite a bit.

About 15 years ago, without any sort of notice, I was told that the newspaper didn't require my services anymore. It was at this time that all newspapers in Canada started saying the exact same thing, at the exact same all of a sudden, all the advertisers became somewhat the same as well. A one-sided narrative, on all matters, ripped across Canada. From what I was seeing at the time, this hostile takeover of public perception was worldwide.

On top of that, small businesses were forced out of many local newspapers because they simply couldn't compete for expensive ad space, with big multinational corporations. This started the slow decline of entrepreneurship over the last 15 years worldwide. Fast forward to today where the average person can only muster a dream of working for the government, taking 4-6 weeks of vacation per year and dulling their spiritual pain with copious amounts of wine/Netflix in-between. Unfortunately, this attack on our very souls (and many other attacks just like it) have left the public in a state where their dream machines are completely broken. Basically most people can't figure out anything beyond, "I'll go work for Darth Vader down on the Death Star, because he pays better." The human spirit has been gutted to say the least. 

The reason I wrote for the newspaper in the first place (at no charge for 10 years, writing two articles per month) was because I knew something was wrong. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard for anyone to imagine what it was like writing truthful articles about vaccines, pasteurized dairy, SSRI's, government schooling, pesticides sprayed on our food supply, fluoride, government in general or mercury teeth fillings etc........10-20 years ago. Yes, I was the king of tinfoil long before conspiracy theories became conspiracy facts. I was very familiar with the godfathers of the truth movement like Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, Jim Keith, Eustace Mullins, Dr. Russell Blaylock and many more. 

Below are only 10 things (of maybe 1000 I could mention) that got my attention long ago, proving to me that something was extremely wrong. Not in my wildest tin foil hat dreams would I have ever predicted what we've seen over the last 4 years. And yet here we are anyway. This is how I knew something was extremely wrong long ago.....

1. Although vaccines are trumpeted as being safe and effective, the deaths and injuries from those safe and effective vaccines almost bankrupt the vaccine industry in 1986. There were so many lawsuits from parents of children who had been killed or permanently crippled by the vaccines, the vaccine companies were about to fold due to the legal pay outs. In 1986 the US government gave blanket immunity to all vaccine makers, when their safe and effective vaccines killed and crippled hundreds of thousands of people every year. That got my attention. 

2. The pasteurization of milk makes it a poison to the body but the government insists that all milk (and milk products) be pasteurized before sale. The same government jails and punishes any farmer who tries to sell unpasteurized milk. That got my attention. 

3. Fluoride is proven to cause brain damage at 1 PPM (parts per million). There's 1500 PPM in the average fluoridated toothpaste. There's new fluoride toothpaste specific for seniors, which contains 5000 PPM. The dental dams given to people by dentists (after a dental cleaning) have between 15,000 to 25,000 PPM. That got my attention. 

4. I found out that mercury is a destroyer of brain tissue and as a destroyer of fertility. This is why mercury teeth fillings exist, and this is why mercury still to this day is used in vaccine manufacturing. I found out the American Dental Association (The ADA) knew about the dangers of mercury teeth fillings long ago but hid them purposely from the public. That got my attention. 

5. I found out that statin drugs have nothing to do with lowering cholesterol, even though that's the disguise its sold under. Cholesterol is needed to make sure every cell in your body replaces itself in a healthy manner. If you remove cell essential cholesterol from the body, the body is guaranteed to degrade. The same group coordinating everything on this list pushed statins on the public to accelerate death and disease. That got my attention. 

6. I found out kids were getting killed and injured in large numbers from vaccines, well beyond the propagandized phrase "1 in a million" percentage that parents are told by paid liars. That got my attention. 

7. I learned they had developed a heart attack gun, with a special chemical substance that could be frozen, shot via a regular handgun and that could trigger a heart attack in a victim....without any trace that this was the cause of death. I also learned that this sort of chemical was very similar in action to how millions were having heart attacks around the world from 2020-present. That got my attention. 

8. I learned that the people behind everything on this 10-point list planned both 9/11 and The Oklahoma City Bombing, in order to change laws that could mark US citizens as terrorists for the first time in US history. This way, the dark group in control, could finally order police and US armed forces to attack and even kill US citizens, on US soil....for other reasons that this dark group would also fabricate. That got my attention. 

9. I learned that the Canadian milk supply was being poisoned purposely by government and big pharma. When a prominent Canadian scientist at health Canada pointed all this out, he was fired. That got my attention. 

10. I learned that the TV and movie screens aren't there for entertainment purposes. Our screens exist for entrainment, mind control and brainwashing. I learned that the content we see on our screens is designed to hijack, modify and completely control our behaviors, thoughts and perceptions. I learned that the government weaponizes mind control technology purposely against the public. I also learned that the use of mind control could make one human murder a complete stranger, with just under 2 hours of mind control applications. I also learned that what we call self-sabotage, is simply a mind control program of self-abuse, self-destruction and self-attack.....purposely put into us by the group responsible for everything else on this list. That got my attention. 

I could list 1000 other things that also got my attention, long before 2020. Nothing is what it seems and that means most people are at a complete disadvantage. I've studied the group organizing all this for 25 years. There are only 2 solutions I suggest. One solution is a program that starts this Sunday Oct 27th. 

Inside this very unique program you'll learn how to reprogram your thoughts, beliefs and order to reduce or remove all self-sabotage from your life. I'll teach you how to help others heal in the same way, while you charge $100 per hour for that service. I can guarantee that you'll make your investment back financially, and I wrote about that very important aspect of any purchase.....right here. The vast majority of people reading this article can afford our new payment plan. We really want this information getting out there, so we make it pretty easy to come work with us. We work as a team of 100 new students. (plus many other former coaches and students come in to learn again as well) We meet once per week for 1-2 hours. You can attend from anywhere in the world online. If you miss a class, it's always there to watch in your student library. We have a private community with over 600 coaches and students to help you. This is our 9th semester of our Overcoming Self Sabotage Coaching School. There are 15 spots remaining and this amazing program starts Oct 27th. If you have any questions, please email me personally at [email protected]. Just investigate. You'll be happy you did. Click right here. I'll see you on opening day.  


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