Nov 18, 2021
The vast majority of Disney films that target children, present very early in the story a) the death of one or both parents b) one or both parents being absent from the film without explanation or c) the child already as an orphan. This is done because nothing is proven to invoke a child’s psychic fear response more than experiencing the loss of a parent. This fear response ignites activity at the brain stem, known as the limbic or reptilian brain.
This fear is also proven to rewire the brain in a negative way (lowering IQ and making the mind more compliant and reflexively obedient to authority in its traumatized state) and also opens up the psyche for immediate download of the other subconscious messages intertwined inside the film. Any person watching a scary film has their heart race and often jumps out of their seat because the mind can’t tell the difference between a real event and if the event is fake on a screen. This is also proven. The chemical reactions in the mind and body are exactly the same, compared to witnessing the event happen in real time. Fear is a destructive force that inhibits higher end brain functions. This flaw in the mind is taken advantage of by our social engineers to flood our minds with panic (and other negative emotions), which in turn retards the growth in certain areas of the brain, making the human herd easier to control, manipulate, illegally govern and steal from.
It was never entertainment. It’s one piece of a larger puzzle orchestrated by the ruling 1% to keep you in perpetual servitude, using the invisible weapon of fear, trauma. panic and terror. It was never a war on terror…..it was always a war OF terror. The fact that many people pay large amounts of money to program themselves and their children into a covert slave state, is just another benefit for our social engineers.
If you were forced to watch these films at gun point, it would be too obvious. Tabling this mind control option as FREEDOM and free choice, is all part and parcel of the efficiency of the system. It's all part of the freedom program, which is really the free-dumb program. This is the only reason freedom in its current form exists, because it makes the acceptance of the scam so much easier, because the public thinks they’re choosing and making decisions out of their own free will. Because each fake entertainment option programs the mind in the exact same way, it doesn’t matter what you pick at the cinema. Each film at cinemas 1-10 all accomplish the exact same fear-based programming. You just get to pick your favorite actor. The programming is exactly the same in each film or at least carries some of the major mind control themes of the day. (men are buffoons, females are stronger than males, gay people are stronger than anyone else, white people are bad people, non-white people are good people, working for the government as a trained killer is the coolest job in town; climate change etc etc..........you know.......mind control and sociail engineering) Enjoy your fake freedom of choice, you always end up a mind controlled super slave. Welcome to the FREE-DUMB program. The only services and products that you have unfettered access to (down here in the human farm) are the ones that make you DUMB, SICK, OVERWEIGHT and DISEMPOWERED. I'll let GRIM HUSTLE explain where you actually live, in the video below.
What could possibly be better for the ruling 1% than a slave who actually invests their own time and money into making sure they always stay a slave? You can watch the Lion King (where the father is killed) or Finding Nemo (where the mother is killed) or Bambi (where the mother is killed) or The BFG (Big Friendly Giant)…where the main child character is already an orphan. Enjoy your freedom of choice. You get every freedom you desire, but only in the areas that don't count..... and that will never count.
Go ahead, decorate your life with every product and service provided to you down here on the human farm. That's what everyone has to do, in order that they never see the farm they're already living on. Welcome to the human honey production operation run by our modern-day death cult. This death centric group rules the human herd through the low IQ limbic brain stem…..via fear, panic and trauma. This group also poisons the population at will because psychological fear and chemical fear in order to keep the population in a perpetually low IQ fear state, most of their entire lives.(your body is afraid of poisons as much as it's afraid of visual death imagery) This is also why they feed you poison before you go watch your movies at the cineplex. (the SIN-e-plex.......a word that means a magic plexus or central hub of sins) All in plain sight. The human farming operation and the evil behind it all often can't be seen by the Grade A government school graduate because government schooling is designed to dumb down the children, in order to create a never-ending supply of dumbed down adults for the farm.
It’s the same as your nightly news and your Netflix when you're an adult. Most stories and news reports are about death, chaos. murder and disaster. All by design. Lower IQ and fear-based brain damage for everyone. Same fear-based programming for adults, same for children. Just how bad is the Disney trauma based mind control for the children, based on Disney's characters having dead parents or the main characters being portrayed as orphans, with no one to care for them properly? Check out this link. https://en.wikipedia.org/w…/Roles_of_mothers_in_Disney_media
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