Nov 18, 2021
Getting into a business online is a great way to buffer yourself from the hostile government environment that we all now face. Starting a brick and mortar style business is not only expensive, it’s now riskier than ever before. For example I used to own several fitness clubs with price tags in the millions of dollars each. Although those businesses generate plenty of cash flow, the profit at the end of year isn’t excessive and could easily be eclipsed by a well-run online business. Online business is about investing a small amount and getting a massive return.
To have the opportunity to start an online business, with very little financial investment, is something you need to seriously consider…..especially if you want to start unplugging from our current toxin and distraction based control grid. Here’s my top 5 pics for starting a quick inexpensive online business…….so you can enjoy all the advantages that will bring. More money, more control of your day, business right offs so you don’t pay tax on the expenses associated with running your company and many other tax advantages that will keep more of your own money in your pocket.
#1 – Become a Holistic Lifestyle Coach or an Exercise Coach with the CHEK INSTITUTE. Help people get healthy by coaching them with their nutrition and exercise online. The CHEK Institute provides many computer programs as well, designed to stream line your new business venture. Learning such empowering information will also help you and your entire family with your health, happiness and spiritual satisfaction.. Click here to find out more.
#2 – If you desire a form of perpetual support that will help you progress every single day, you’ll want to take a look at Young Living. I personally use their products but don’t sell them. I do know some highly motivated and empowered people who do of course. How Young Living supports their people is second to none. What I love about Young Living is the community they build with their partners. Beyond the income opportunity and the healthy products that Young Living sells, I see Young Living’s main advantage being group strength and a deep feeling of community. If you’re looking to connect with like minded people, get healthy and earn additional income (while getting the proper emotional and business support you require)……..you’ll want to contact Young Living right away. And you can even talk to a real person. You can email Jessica France at [email protected] or on Instagram. I personally use several of Young Living’s oils, toothpastes, laundry soap and a choice few supplements from their line.
#3 – I did enroll myself in the Marisa Peer Course to become a certified RTT Hypnotherapist (Rapid Transformational Therapy). The COVID attack moved that goal to the side but it's an extremely valuable program. It’s a more expensive course but extremely well put together. The income possibilities with these skills are endless, as you can completely transform people’s lives in a couple hours of hypnotherapy. The price per session you can charge for such a service is well above average and of course you can conduct hypnotherapy online. You do have to apply and they do give you a little interview before you’re accepted into the course. Click here for more information
#4 – And of course I heavily suggest my personal certification program, to become a Christoff Certified Self Sabotage Coach. The advantages of becoming a self sabotage coach, inside our growing team coaches worldwide, are massive. It’s inexpensive to enroll, the program is easy to master and the fees we encourage that you charge for your coaching services are well above the $100 per hour range. You get to work with me online and I also help you develop your business mind set, which everyone needs before they are successful in business. Click here to learn more. You can email my assistant Chris at [email protected] directly or register your email in the box below this article, I can make sure to email you when we start enrollment for January 2024.
#5 – A brilliant author who wrote the amazing cancer healing book “The Root Cause of Cancer ” now offers various cancer healing and cancer support coaching certifications for people wanting to work directly with anyone who has cancer or anyone who has any chronic conditions that they want to heal from. This sort of coaching is sought all over the world and would make a perfect career over the next decade. Click here for more information.
#6. As a quick addiction I would endorse exploring any program from Brian Rose at London Real. A stand up guy who believes in freedom, human creativity and morality. Click here to see his programs.
Go live your best life. Keep your energy for yourself. Unplug from our current system and plug into something better that will make you healthy, wealthy and wise.
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