12 Odd Facts About Coffee and Brain Function
Oct 10, 2023Please click on the blue highlighted words for related material. The last two points are brand new and of course are the most important in this list. No one yet has told the public what I reveal in points 11 and 12.
1. Humans copy, mimic and emulate the most repetitive messages, themes, ideas and patterns in their environment. From babies to adults, we all do it.
2. The human mind can't tell the difference between what's on a screen, what's happening in real life and imagined thought. The human brain will find the most repetitive content in all of it....and then adopt those repetitive ideas and behaviors as its own. What we see, is what we will be.
3. The most repetitive image in all Hollywood film is a takeout coffee cup, a clay coffee mug, a coffee machine on the back counter or a coffee shop. In fact in the movie FIGHT CLUB, there was a Starbuck's takeout coffee cup in every scene of that film.
4. One 8oz cup of coffee is proven to reduce blood flow and oxygen to the brain by 52%. This brain expert eyeballed this IQ lowering effect at 40% but when measured accurately, it's 52%. The truth about coffee is purposely hidden from the public.
5. One small dose of caffeine reduces blood flow to the prefrontal cortex immensely. The prefrontal cortex is the thinking part of the brain complex and is in charge of regulating your behavior in a logical and rational way. When you get less blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, you start making decisions based on emotional impulses and less on rational thought. Such illogical decisions may look like, "I need to inject myself with poison in order to prevent disease, because the government and TV told me to..." Illogical decisions like this are easier to embrace if you're caffeinated.....even though that decision can end your life prematurely or cripple you for life.
6. Caffeine activates the body's limbic system, AKA the fight or flight system. The limbic system is the reaction/non thinking part of the brain complex. Once this system is active, you make decisions based on emotions and not thinking things through.
7. The fight or flight system is a part of the brain that's notoriously low IQ and it also has very little ability to judge the long-term consequences of your actions. Caffeinated brains can't think logically or rationally about life circumstances because when caffeinated, the body's fight or flight system is activated.
8. Caffeine makes humans do boring tasks longer and blocks the pain people need to feel, in order to make positive changes in their lives. If you can't feel how boring your job is, how overweight/sick you are or that your marriage needs a kick start....you most likely will have constant 5 alarm fires in your life. Caffeine can indeed burn your life down to the ground and make crisis your constant companion.
9. Bill Gates and his Dad arranged to rescue Starbucks in 1987 when it had only 6 stores. Today Starbucks has more than 35,000 stores. Yes, the ruling group's plan includes a caffeinated public because caffeine not only makes the slavery feel groovy, people who ingest caffeine are most often hyper-reactive emotionally to what's on the TV (because they can't think things through), which means they're perfect for scaring into greater forms of voluntary slavery. Bill Gates Sr. was a well-known eugenicist and of course Bill Gates is famous for wanting to kill the "moron classes", so the rich can have more of the earth. Why would people like this want to get into the coffee business? Because it's easier to mind control a caffeinated mind. The dangers of coffee and caffeine in general are reviewed in depth at this added link.
10. Caffeine is proven to make miserable people happy, while they live miserable lives. If you're in the position of ruling the masses, the more caffeine you can pump in.....the better.
11. But wait.....there's more. Caffeine has been proven to cause a very particular form of brain damage, which makes people have almost zero ability to react logically and rationally to danger. Caffeine literally destroys a part of our memory system called our "auto biographical memory", which means people who ingest caffeine on a regular basis can easily forget the past, as a defensive reference point for protecting themselves from life threatening situations. Caffeine does this by destroying what's called "hippocampal neurogenesis", our brain's ability to access old memories and log new memories simultaneously. Our past memories give us our points of reference, in regards to what we should be afraid of and defend against in our daily lives. If you were an invading force, entering any society or culture (or even if you were an non-human force trying to conquer the entire human species), and you could destroy the human's hippocampal neurogenesis......you could openly parade down main street and destroy that society at will.......and the people wouldn't be able to react to their own murders and rapid takeover. Caffeine inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis. Have you noticed the blatant takeover attempt from 2020 onward and the people's inability to react to it? Have you noticed that there's a massive state-run murder and crime spree occurring in broad daylight....and yet most people just keep going about their business, like they can't see it? This is why. Your coffee shops on every corner have very little to do with free market capitalism of course. Something just outside your field of viewing is occurring and it's not good.
12. Oddly enough, smoking marijuana also breaks the hippocampus and according to Dr. Michael Nehls (author of The Indoctrinated Brain).......so do the ingredients that were handpicked to be in the COVID shot. If you're looking to understand what caffeine does to the brain, you need go no further than this short interview between Tucker Carlson and Dr. Michael Nehls. All Dr. Nehls talks about is the disastrous effects that the COVID shot ingredients have on hippocampal neurogenesis and how he believes that this is the ruling group's attempt to wipe the memory clean in the people injected, similar to wiping a hard drive clean inside a computer. Thus, the people injected with the COVID vaccine poison would be left with no past memories, which means they lose their point of reference for what's wrong or what's right, what's moral or immoral and what's ethical or unethical. Again, caffeine has THE EXACT SAME EFFECT ON THE BRAIN that Dr. Nehls is talking about. Have you noticed anything in people today (especially people who took the shot) regarding walking right into the proverbial lion's den and sticking their heads right into the lion's mouth, regarding a very evil government destroying man, woman and child all in plain sight? Are you seeing any evil behavior, which appears hard to explain? Have you observed that people have lost their past points of historical reference, as to what evil is and what it isn't? Well, this paragraph (and the video linked within) explains plenty regarding what's happening today, if not explaining all of it. We've been lobotomized by certain chemicals purposely, before the full satano-communist takeover attempt was initiated, because the sheer scale of this evil takeover attempt could not be pulled off any other way. People's brains have been damaged beyond repair purposely and over many generations, as a prelude to this full world takeover attempt.
In conclusion, there's a group behind this satano-communist takeover attempt of the entire world, planet, species etc. You can find out everything you really need to know about this group by clicking here. Saying that, this group are masters of destroying valuable parts of the human brain and also hyperactivating other negative parts with various chemicals or negative emotional states (like fear).......in order to increase dependence and slave like tendencies in their targeted victims, while simultaneously destroying independence and the mind's ability to rationally/logically analyze its environmental stimuli. Caffeine, smoking marijuana, the COVID shot ingredients, alcohol, sugar and many other cabal funded scientific concoctions are involved in this ruling group's handbook for enslaving the population. Please understand that inside the average person's common addictions are chemicals that castrate them of their potential to fight their slavery. These chemicals make the slavery feel groovy and allow for the rapid murder of the chemically infused populace. Oddly enough I didn't have my first coffee until the age of 44, drank it only in the summer for three seasons and then quit, which may be able to explain why I am sounding the alarm as hard as I do.
This is a very old plan and our society is on the verge of a complete takeover if we don't put these chemicals down. The only way out is to educate ourselves and remove these psychoactive compounds from our societies or we'll have zero ability to resist our own enslavement.....as is the long-drawn-out design of the societal structures we now sit within. Dumbed down, brain damaged and mentally impaired animals are easily farmed. Humans are no exception to this rule. The weaker the animals, the easier you can take the products produced by those animals. (bees/honey, chickens/eggs/meat, pork/meat, cattle/milk/meat and dumbed down humans/wealth/labor etc) Please wake up and defend yourself. I teach much hidden knowledge regarding everything you need to know, in order to call your power back. I only teach these factual principles once per year. I offer an adult program and a youth (ages 13-22) option as well. I hope to see you all on opening day.
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