How It Went and How It's Going Now Mar 27, 2024

The media tells you everything that you really need to know. You just need to dig a little bit to get the real story. In 2021, just as the fake COVID vaccine was rolling out hard core and the gov/media was promising fame and fortune to anyone who suckered others into...

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The Climate Crisis - Stage Show or Fact? Mar 25, 2024

There's a new documentary out titled "Climate - The Movie". It speaks for itself and for anyone believing that the climate crisis is real, it's time to take a look behind the green curtain at OZ. A couple more videos follow this documentary below, to add additional...

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New Documentary - Whistleblower Comes Forward Mar 19, 2024

Please be aware that the highlighted links are live, and that you can click them for more related information.

The two parts to this new documentary are below. You can watch and judge for yourself. I've come to my own conclusions regarding this information and you...

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Connecting Some Ancient Dots...... Mar 13, 2024
1. An Egyptian pyramid is on the back of the US $1 bill........yet people still can't connect the ancient dots and that's understandable.
2. There's an Egyptian obelisk in the US capitol called The Washington Monument.....yet very few people...
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5 Beliefs That Prove Someone Is Under Mind Control Mar 05, 2024

1. The belief that a person can treat themselves anyway they wish (health wise) and then they can inject health into themselves, with poisons no less. This false and inverted belief (that injecting poison into oneself is the zenith of scientific progression in our...

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My Washington DC Talk This Weekend Feb 20, 2024

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will be away for a little bit because of my upcoming talk in Washington DC. I speak at a breakout room at CPAC at The Gaylord Hotel in Washington DC Friday Feb 23rd the Cherry Blossom Conference Room. The...

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Mind Control and Engineering a Gay Society Feb 12, 2024

Before I'm presumed to be anti-gay, I would like to remind readers that I've been interviewed on an LBG podcast, in regards to me trying to save members of that community from the many forms of medical euthanasia heaped at them by government and media. You can listen...

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THE POWER IN YOU - Next Intake 2025 Feb 07, 2024

Yes, we've all been under attack, but there's some good news we're definitely missing. The good news is that you can push back, power up and WIN IT ALL by doing some very simple things in your own life. We can find our collective strength once again. Let me...

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5 Agendas Our Youth Need To Know About Feb 03, 2024

The businesses I've opened myself, partnered in or mentored others to open....have grossed over $250 million dollars. I've been in business, supporting myself (with the help of my customers) for over 30 years. I graduated McGill University in 1994 and had my first...

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5 Odd Vaccine Facts Jan 25, 2024

This won't take too much effort whatsoever. Hang on tight, we're going in deep.

1. The paralysis falsely deemed to be polio was caused by a toxic pesticide called lead arsenate. The polio vaccine, formulated for a disease caused by poison and not a virus, also...

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Top Supplements To Detox The Jab Jan 14, 2024

I won't make this too long. I have done many podcasts explaining what was in the jab, which sometimes can be a little pressure packed for people who have volunteered for this medical experiment. It actually wasn't a medical experiment, as the evil forces behind the...

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Murdering Yourself - How They Trick You To Do It Jan 13, 2024

Imagine a mind control operation so well organized that you can get people to kill themselves, kill their own kids and destroy each and everything they need to survive here on planet earth. Now if you think mind control doesn't have the power to accomplish all that...

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