Jason Christoff runs an international self sabotage coaching school where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. Jason's students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels. Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using this manipulative psychology against most of humanity. If we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years Jason believes that each citizen must understand these processes, as to protect themselves from future psychological operations.
More About Jason
Before Jason started giving presentations around the world on brainwashing, propaganda and mind control......he himself was under some of the deepest forms of self abusive mind control. As a young man Jason carried and acted out many common self destructive mind viruses, which circulate freely in our society today. These self loathing mind viruses infect many people in our modern time. Jason was blessed with business success at a very young age. This sudden financial windfall led him to discover that his rapid rise in business triggered what's known as dormant mind control programming, planted inside of him long ago by various mainstream media channels. This triggering of implanted dormant mind control programming led Jason down a very dark path in his early years.
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