Podcast #203 - Jason Christoff - 25 Factoids That Will Make Your Life Better - PART 1
The Devil We Know - (documentary about Teflon dangerous) - bit.ly/4g2VbRF
1. The Art of Lying (documentary about the TV as a hypnosis device) - bit.ly/4bKNvAm
My mind control presentation to explain the power of the TV - bit.ly/3AFdD2N
2. Who are the crime families organizing all this fact government, media and medicine attack - bit.ly/3WjNq2h
3. COVID was a complete fraud on all levels - bit.ly/46ZCSsE
Everything about COVID was fake - bit.ly/3MuoQGb
Have they done this before - is this a cycle- bit.ly/4fVv2El
We are farmed like bees literally - bit.ly/3Z1m4zC
585 million dead or injured from the COVID shot - www.bitchute.com/video/QZeT547d441V/
The Lies about Jonestown - another "kill the public" operation - bit.ly/4dD3rq7
4.My newest and most exact mind control presentation - bit.ly/3XiFQ8f
5. My presentation on black magic mind control (poisoning) - bit.ly/3zx3CUH
Dave Hodges also talks about poisoning and mind control here - bit.ly/4e1eWHH
6. Read about the bull cult of Molech - bit.ly/3XmgtCM
One of my articles about the bull cult - bit.ly/3ySGqQN
Bull cult today still poisoning you through toxic food and toxic medicine - bit.ly/4dUwvJi
Doctors (the high priests of the death cult) easily the #1 cause of premature death (murder) in all developed nations - archive.org/details/DeathByMedicine
7. Medications are designed to kill slowly overtime, so that the people think that the results of medical poisoning is simply genetic disease - bit.ly/4g0DCSj
Statins are designed to kill - bit.ly/3XfSbds
Anti Depressants are designed to kill - www.cchr.org/documentaries/
The birth control pill is designed to kill - bit.ly/3pyAQyj
Vaccines kill, injure and disable by design - bit.ly/3zG5L0x
8. Coffee, alcohol, smoking weed and the COVID shot.....all designed to destroy your ability to remember and react - bit.ly/3XipNqX and bit.ly/4dXUPtE
What you don't know about coffee - bit.ly/3W9rh6n
What you don't know about Bill Gates and Starbucks -bit.ly/46ZUBzY
9. Research proves school is designed to remove intelligence from the students -bit.ly/3Miisl0
World famous teacher exposes the evil inside the school system - bit.ly/4aUHuS3
Government insider exposes the plan to destroy intelligence in the children - bit.ly/3Z1MMYG
Unschooling expert speaks out - bit.ly/4cICaky
Teachers telling kids there's more than 2 genders - bit.ly/3Z0mu9h
Teachers telling kids it's OK, normal and safer to cut off their own genitals - bit.ly/3Xy4pN2
10. Circumcision - proven to cause long lasting brain damage in the high IQ part of the brain, while hyper activating the lower IQ part of the brain - bit.ly/4cEJKNg
The truth of circumcision hidden from the public - bit.ly/3WX3K85
UK Royals and their links to ancient Egypt - bit.ly/3WZi7bY
Using drugs to drug the population and the middle management in government always in the historic timeline - bit.ly/3XjPcAP
11. JFK assassination was coordinated - bit.ly/3yTsuWE
Blue VS Red Mind Control - left vs right - liberals vs conservative - bit.ly/3x7ossB
Watch THE JONES PLANTATION - jonesplantationfilm.com/ref/27/
12. Dr. David Ayoub mercury and infertility - bit.ly/3yUqKMU
Mercury and brain damage - bit.ly/3YUIXof
Mercury and total body/mind dysfunction - bit.ly/3ABOFRM
History of dentists and their collusion to poison you and your kids - bit.ly/3XhtLA6
Mercury making animals homosexual - bit.ly/4cLU7Pk
They do everything possible to avoid addressing the same effect in humans