Podcast #195 - Jason Christoff - 2020-2024 - 4 YEARS IN REVIEW - The Psychology of Self Destruction

Derren Brown's THE PUSH - bit.ly/3JzJ7IO

Derren Brown's APOCOLPYSE -bit.ly/3Ulgrbi
Derren Brown Mind Control Sample #2 -bit.ly/4aKukXD
Derren Brown Mind Control Sample #3 - bit.ly/3Ulgy6I

Dogs Smarter Than Humans With Reacting Poison - bit.ly/3WfNRuv

10 Videos That Explain Who The Cabal Group Really Is - bit.ly/3WjNq2h

Book on how school is designed to produce obedient order followers and destroy intelligence - bit.ly/4aUHuS3

Older study from McGill (I believe) showing a large percentage of medical doctors don't vaccinate themselves or their families appears missing from common search results

Intelligent weak people injected the poison - intelligent strong people did not - bit.ly/3QKuDdd

All vaccines kill and cripple - it was an intergenerational mind control scam the entire time - bit.ly/3JDZNzl

Learned helplessness dog experiments - unethical yes, but this research is being used on all humans in our modern time by evil groups - bit.ly/4a2xDYR

Some information on Monarch Programming - bit.ly/3UzeBVA

Ole Dammegard website and my interview along side him coming soon as well - lightonconspiracies.com/

Here's my interview along side Ole Dammegard - User-50904611 – Jason-christoff-ole-dammergard-my-dad-was-a-government-assassin

Operation Gladio - some beginner info -governments killing their own citizens to cause fear and panic- bit.ly/3Qnjui7

How Fear Affects Your Brain - bit.ly/3WjHeHD

Medical doctors have been murdering their patients much longer back into history than just the COVID fraud - archive.org/details/DeathByMedicine

Children being murdered by the system and very few reacting - bit.ly/3WeIQCF

Governments were murdering their seniors during COVID (and in the medical system) and no one reacted - bit.ly/43yx0TP

Food production being destroyed world wide.....and yet very few react - bit.ly/3UDq46O

Everything COVID was a lie - everything - bit.ly/3NVOHIw

Climate Change is also a complete con - bit.ly/4aKyMWl

MK Ultra Documentary - these mind control tactics are now applied society wide - bit.ly/47hCk0G

Repetition and confusion are the basis of most mind control - rumble.com/v4m7x5z-jason-christoff.html

Work with me and get over this attack, as an adult - courses.jchristoff.com/blog/the-powe…the-world-yet

Work with me as a youth, ages 13-22 - courses.jchristoff.com/blog/brand-ne…n-you-program