Podcast #174 - Jason Christoff - The Wuhan Leak Story
5th generation warfare - bit.ly/3Yp3ehJ
Margaret Keayes - My Mexican Relocation Expert - [email protected]
Never Again Is Now - bit.ly/3ZoXkOR
TRANCE - The Cathy O'Brien Story - bit.ly/3kTwdwu
Eugenics and Pandemics Documentary - bit.ly/3kJXYaU
My first podcast made on this same subject - bit.ly/3YyThP2
Viruses Don't Exist - bit.ly/3YlQZlX
SARS-COV-2 - has never been isolated - bit.ly/3JjCF9o
SARS-COV-2 - no government in the world has a sample of this virus to experiment with - bit.ly/41RSPht
No virus has ever been proven to exist -
Excess deaths after the injection - bit.ly/3IZdCqZ
This injection is killing people - bit.ly/3ZpZUEh
Cult Of The Medics Documentary - www.cultofthemedics.com/chapters.html#/
Shot takes 24 years off a man's life if it doesn't kill them right away - bit.ly/3L3hKbT
Shot destroy birthing rate - bit.ly/3Ztn0da
Interview with Etienne De La Boetie - the myth of government - bit.ly/3SSCq8y
Orphan Trains - killing the adults and then using the infants/kids to repopulate the human farm is an ancient cycle - bit.ly/3SSgqL1
Pandemics and Eugenics - bit.ly/3JlqvwA
The Kill Box - My Podcast - bit.ly/3IYn2Th
Dr Vernon Coleman latest update - bit.ly/3ZyA8Ow
Government destroying food supply in Netherlands - bit.ly/3YlRZ9S
1.The Agenda to Eliminate All Strong Males – bit.ly/2DEUpfa
2. The Rise of The Beta Male – The Agenda To Destroy the Alpha – bit.ly/2iUaDV1
3. Lady Gaga and The “Born This Way” Agenda – bit.ly/2DKN4tK
4. The Fall of Men and The Agenda Behind It – bit.ly/2pgnlAl
5. The Covert Agenda To Feminize The Male – Dave Chapelle Tells A Story – bit.ly/2S3BjT8
6. Strong Black Males Are Targets of The System - bit.ly/35DWTVX
US attacks itself and kills its own citizens to go to war and kill more people to steal their stuff - youtu.be/k9kiWphCXQg
Eustace Mullins Russia Stolen By UK Royals In Early 1900's - bit.ly/3IZhvMe
US Army removes healthy unvaccinated soldiers and keeps weak poison injected soldiers - binged.it/3Zsv3XU
- Insurance expert talks about deaths in military ranks after vaccination - bit.ly/3ZtxYiS
- US military purposely spread across the planet - bit.ly/3ITq2jT - over 800 bases outside the US
- military equipment to Ukraine - bit.ly/41OgqQa
- TV campaign for US. Chinese and Russian armed forces - the US is weak, as designed - www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnpD1tCjTcQ
- Ukraine Nazi strong hold - bit.ly/3F5BWGu
Dan Hatman - Canadian Dad talks about his son dying after he took the shot to play hockey - bit.ly/3Jm5sKF
Dr, Makis - Canadian children dying after taking the fake vaccine - bit.ly/3IVKwZw
Dr. Makis - Canadian doctors dying suddenly after taking their fake vaccines - bit.ly/3SUlYV7
COVID Injection Fraud documentaries - bit.ly/3ZppOIk
Vaccines in General Always a Fraud - documentaries - bit.ly/3Zv1ULC
Circumcision destruction of men - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceht-3xu84I