UnSchooling Outreach For Parents Around The World
Jun 25, 2023If you're getting this, there's a good chance you were one of the 1000 plus people who came to watch myself and Tasha Fishman talk LIVE within the presentation titled, "GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF GOVERNMENT SCHOOL NOW". I hope you enjoyed our FREE talk. We also know some people registered but couldn't make the LIVE talk due to previous obligations. Some people obviously will want the recording and we of course (Tasha, myself, and our administrative teams) really want to keep moving ahead to educate and support the public in this regard. We also want to move ahead to support our many other missions, in order to accelerate humanity to the level we all deserve. There's little time and we have lots of work to do. Therefore, both Tasha and I have an offer for you.
We would like to see you all again in a couple of weeks. We would like to provide you the recording of the presentation that we just did and offer you an additional 3-hour long Question and Answer Period on July 12th 7PM EST time (along with that recording as well).... PLUS I would like to provide you two of my personal self-sabotage programs at no charge. I'll provide you my Raising Healthy Children Presentation free, just to start. Then you can pick one more program from any of the options listed below as well.
Tasha would also like to offer you a 1-month membership in her Unschooling Parent Coaching Community in September and 1 month of access to her Unschooling the Mind Community APP (also for September). The programs of mine you can pick from are listed below. Which one would you like?
a) All My Overcoming of Self Sabotage Presentations.....2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022 - (perfect for overcoming all forms of self sabotage, these talks contain material that is now censored from the internet. These talks contain information you really need to see for yourself. If you want to overcome your self sabotage and get a bird's eye view of how this world really works.....this is where you need to start).
b) Overcoming Wealth Based Self Sabotage - (perfect for anyone wanting to vector upwards in the wealth, abundance, and independence areas. Anti wealth programming is the #1 form of self sabotage in the entire world and there are concrete reasons for that, which are discussed in this presentation).
c) Overcoming Health Based Self Sabotage - (perfect for losing weight, burning fat, getting rid of cellulite, disease reversal and sharpening mental capability. Eating guides, workout programs, healthier recipe guides and healthy living principles are all included).
d) The Attack on Men and How Men Can Find Their Way Again - (perfect for both men and women, in order that they understand that the attack on men is a covert attack on women, children and the family unit. How this attack is being orchestrated and strategies for defending oneself are included as well).
e) Mind Control, Brainwashing and Psychological Manipulation - (this was the last recorded public talk I did, and it left nothing on the table, regarding how your life is being purposely steered into the ditch by government misleaders and their criminal conspirators in media. This is perfect for people who like mystery and for people who like finding out what's being purposely hidden from the public).
g) Cancer Prevention and Reversal - (you simply won't find information like this anywhere else in the world. If you're looking to prevent cancer or you have cancer and you want to know what it takes to reverse it, this is the talk you want to pick).
How To Raise Healthy Children - you get this free when you register to see Tasha and I again on July 12th. I just wanted to include this description as well so you can understand what you're getting with this program - (I do everything I do for the sole goal of protecting the children. I put everything I had into this particular presentation, in order to educate parents as to how this world really works and why they need to protect their children from the system of sacrifice that surrounds them. This is perfect for any parent who wants to raise healthy and happy children.....all the way from conception into adulthood)
If you have any questions, you can simply reply this email (if you received this article via email) or email my support team at [email protected].
So again this is what you can get.......- a) the original recording of our first talk b) the recording of the 3 hour Q and A on July 12th plus LIVE attendance if you wish, as we would love to see you there c) my Raising Healthy Children Presentation free d) one additional program of mine free, which you pick yourself from the list above e) 1 month membership in Tasha Fishman's Unschooling Parent Coaching Community Group free and f) 1 month membership in Tasha Fishman's Unschooling the Mind Community APP free
Click here to get this package right now..... It's only $99, Tasha and I thank you for leading by example and protecting the children wherever you are.
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