Out of the 3 truths I'll share today, most people will be most upset about coffee and there's a firm psychological reason for that. Caffeine is a known pain killer. People who lead painful lives love painkillers because without painkillers, they will feel their pain. Not many people want to do that because feeling pain is painful. Oddly enough a society can only survive if its citizens feel their pain daily. That's why our culture and society are falling apart...because we've been told that pain is a goblin to avoid instead of a guardian to embrace. Regardless, click here or click the picture above to find out the truth of coffee.
What Is The Truth About All Vaccines?
I've researched what media, government and medicine call "vaccines" for 20 years. They're all the same. Does that mean they're all good or does that mean they're all bad? These documentaries can help you understand the truths of vaccination. Click here or click the picture above to start watching. Never forget that the more pain you have in your life, the more lies you're living. The answer for all pain is more truth. .
What's The Truth About HIV and AIDS?
Think of COVID. COVID was a psy-op that didn't exist in anyway, no exceptions, end of story. Dr. Anthony Fauci (head psychopathic weasel) was at the middle of the authority based propaganda to make a COVID narrative made of pure wind appear real. The end goal of the COVID psy-op was to get people to inject themselves with poison, in order to kill and cripple them, which in turn is about nothing more than stealing the assets of the dead and injured. When people died or were crippled because they injected poison into themselves, a fake disease (COVID), that never existed, was blamed. Fake testing helped healthy people believe they were sick, which in turn made them run to inject poison into themselves and their kids. Would you believe that the AIDS/HIV operation was run by Dr. Anthony Fauci IN THE EXACT SAME MANNER!Click here to read and watch the truth about AIDS/HIV.
How Much Don't You Know About This World?
Turning your life around is all about knowledge and truth. If you believe lies, nothing happens. It's only when you proceed to live out lies as truth that you will get pain. The more pain you're in, the more lies you're living out as truth. For example, let's pretend you believe 2 very popular ideas today. 1) "alcohol is healthy in moderation" and 2) "medical doctors are health experts". If you live those 2 ideas out as truth, you'll live out an extremely painful life because they are lies. Truth brings pleasure. Lies bring pain. Look at your life right now. Do you have any pain? Are you confused about what lies are producing your pain? Let me guide you to a better life. Learn truth. Click here to begin. Save yourself. Save your children. Save your loved ones. Take action.
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