Nurses Admit That Hospital COVID Policies Were Designed to Euthanize Patients - it was a full court press of death from March 2020 onward, organized decades in advance. From the toxic injections to euthanasia-based hospital protocols and from increasing wait times for regular surgeries (that brought a quicker death) to denying seniors food and/or water during a fake evil force hiding behind government stepped out from the darkness and into the light. Click here to watch. Solution - never enter the hospital without an experienced patient advocate.
The Russia Enemy Psy-Op - many people think Russia is against the west. This helps funnel huge amounts of money to the Ukraine and to Russian based defense budgets. But once again, it's all a psy-op. I wrote about this 15 years ago in a very controversial article, where I described that the easiest way to fleece the public is to create enemies, which are controlled by the same group. I now spend a large amount of time in Latvia (on the Russian border) and the anti-Russian mind control is thick. It's all about fleecing the public of everything they own, with a never ending "budget scam" to control our enemies....who don't exist. Click here to watch and listen. Solution - please start understanding that most countries are run by a single group of ancient crime families who benefit from this false narrative of independence and autonomy.
Canadian Government Now Admits Openly That They Are Mind Controlling Canadian Citizens - at a US congressional investigation session on MK ULTRA in the late 1960's, a CIA representative was asked about the "power" of such programming. The attending representative said, "given enough time, we could have a child kill and eat their own parents in a soup, without giving it a second thought". Tricking you to inject poison into yourself or your kids (or demanding you be enslaved to save the world from a fake emergency etc) is child's play. Click here to read and watch. Solution - click here and here to learn how mind control works.
In Older Dictionaries "Vaccination" Was Defined As A Selective Cull of Farm Animals - click here to register for your free viewing of the new documentary "Vaxxed IIII Authorized to Kill". Nothing has really changed. Vaccines have never been proven to improve health or increase resistance to disease. The truth about vaccination is now just openly parading down main street. Click here to register. Solution - stop playing "monkey see/monkey do" and injecting yourself or your kids with poison, so other non-thinking obedient order followers think you're a good guy or nice lady.
I Was The First Person To Gift Money To This Protector of Women and Children - Dr. Chris Shoemaker stood between evil and the he screamed at the devil "you shall not pass". Just like Gandalf the Grey in the movie "Lord of The Rings". Evil put him to the fire and yet...he kept protecting the women and children regadless. Now, he's in trouble. Please read his story by clicking here.Solution - pick a warrior up from his weakened position and give him strength to keep moving forward.