Word Magic - Invisible Mind Control That We See Every Day
For a good article on basic word magic, you can click the picture above or click here. In my newest offering, starting in only 9 days, there's lots of new information on word magic. 9 more days to go. See you there. It's time to protect yourself, your family and your community. It's time to start a passionate love affair with yourself and with who you really are. A new guide. A new tribe.
How Is The Canadian Economy Really Doing?
This video above sums up what the Canadian media is being paid to hide from the Canadian public. There are options of course for a better way of life inside and outside Canada. I live in Mexico and I'm moving my business operations out of Canada, in order to stop funding the very force that's trying to euthanize myself and my loved ones. Hundreds of thousands of other Canadians have already done the same. Learning what governments don't want you to know, regarding "living better" is a big part of my new program that starts in 9 days. More on what's really happening to Canada can be found in this article.
An Important Podcast About Men Being Better Men
Some people had a hard time accessing this interview on Spotify, so I reproduced it and placed in on my uncensored video channel on Odysee. Enjoy. Click here or click the picture above. Inside my newest offering, every talk I've ever done is included for free, including my talk titled, "The Attack On Men and How Men Can Find Their Way Again".
A Society of Caffeine, Alcohol and Marijuana - Can It Survive?
Any toxin that alters brain function, increases the efficiency of mind control several fold. The key to destroying a population covertly, is to drown that society in psycho-active drugs that not only destroy health but also increase the efficiency of mind control. The ancient group leading us to doom today is famous throughout history for this method of covert slavery and covert take over. Canada is GROUND ZERO without any doubt for this particular modality of covert enslavement and theft. With coffee, weed and alcohol honored as religion in many cabal run countries (including Canada), these societies have no way to survive. A society of dumb, sick and brain damaged citizens is unsustainable. That's the goal..Click here or click the picture above to learn more about the weaponization of caffeine, alcohol, marijuana and other brain damaging toxins ....against an uninformed public. In my new offering starting in 9 days, I have an entire section dedicated to quitting any addiction.
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