If you want my free talk titled "The Attack On Men and How Men Can Find Their Way Again", you can simply click here. The rules of the free talk are just like the last free talk offered. The talk will blow your mind. That I guarantee. There are bonuses offered in the talk but those aren't free. If you want the bonuses that come with the program, you need to purchase the program after you watch it. Watching my talk is free of course. It's free for the next 10 days.
Although many people aren't aware of the cosmic role of the male in a tribe, it's a male's genetic design to push back on evil and guide the tribe away from evil. The bravery and courage of the male is supposed to act as role modelling for young men and instill a sense of mental stability in the entire tribal population. We are here at this point in history because many men have forgotten their cosmic role in the tribe. My free talk can help guide men back to where they belong.
The first video below is important because it shows Dr. Sherri Tenpenny stepping forward only months into the fake vaccine roll out trying to warn the public about what the fake vaccines will do to people who take them. It's eerie to watch as her warnings are coming true, in the exact timeline she warned about. If you've taken the shot, please detox immediately using this formula.
Doctor's Warnings During COVID Shot Roll Out Come True
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been trying to warn the public about vaccines for decades and her warnings regarding the fake COVID vaccine in 2021 have all come true. If anyone has taken the shot, please detox immediately.
Doctor's Warnings During COVID Shot Roll Out Come True
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been trying to warn the public about vaccines for decades and her warnings regarding the fake COVID vaccine in 2021 have all come true. If anyone has taken the shot, please detox immediately.
Are Murder Charges Being Filed Against People Involved In The COVID Vaccine Genocide?
I don't trust David Martin 100% but that's OK. I do listen to most of his talks with an open mind. This talk included. Here David Martin puts many things I question aside and gets right to the fact that this shot was orchestrated via criminal fraud and murderous intent. He explains criminal charges have been filed already against key players in the vaccine genocide. Let's hope so.
Are Murder Charges Being Filed Against People Involved In The COVID Vaccine Genocide?
I don't trust David Martin 100% but that's OK. I do listen to most of his talks with an open mind. This talk included. Here David Martin puts many things I question aside and gets right to the fact that this shot was orchestrated via criminal fraud and murderous intent. He explains criminal charges have been filed already against key players in the vaccine genocide. Let's hope so.
What's Really Going On In The Ukraine?
Like all today's current events, there's more than meets the eye occurring behind the scenes. The Ukraine issue is complex, involving its historical ties to eugenic Nazi philosophy and an attempt to manufacture reasons to send money and arms to order to bankrupt once powerful white anglo nation states. Let's start with a short video about the President of the Ukraine and his colorful past. The "Support Ukraine" effort is just one of a thousand frauds occurring in plain sight today.
What's Really Going On In The Ukraine?
Like all today's current events, there's more than meets the eye occurring behind the scenes. The Ukraine issue is complex, involving its historical ties to eugenic Nazi philosophy and an attempt to manufacture reasons to send money and arms to order to bankrupt once powerful white anglo nation states. Let's start with a short video about the President of the Ukraine and his colorful past. The "Support Ukraine" effort is just one of a thousand frauds occurring in plain sight today.
New Documentary Explains The End Goal Of The COVID Con
Here's a new documentary that can help explain to people what the end goal is, regarding the COVID con. I believe that The Ukraine is slated to be something like "The Capitol" in the movie "The Hunger Games" where the digital control of the slave class will be coordinated from. I believe all the arms provided to the Ukraine will be used to enslave the countries who donated them..and that's all by design. Our enemies are within.
New Documentary Explains The End Goal Of The COVID Con
Here's a new documentary that can help explain to people what the end goal is, regarding the COVID con. I believe that The Ukraine is slated to be something like "The Capitol" in the movie "The Hunger Games" where the digital control of the slave class will be coordinated from. I believe all the arms provided to the Ukraine will be used to enslave the countries who donated them..and that's all by design. Our enemies are within.
Truth Leader Shout Out
This is Derrick Broze, a leader in the freedom movement who focuses on solutions. Derrick is solution focused and if you want to know what sort of solutions there are for dealing with the tyrannical government or evil control grid, you can start with this talk. It's a Facebook link, so have your FB open when you click his picture. Many amazing solutions.
Truth Leader Shout Out
This is Derrick Broze, a leader in the freedom movement who focuses on solutions. Derrick is solution focused and if you want to know what sort of solutions there are for dealing with the tyrannical government or evil control grid, you can start with this talk. It's a Facebook link, so have your FB open when you click his picture. Many amazing solutions.
I Just Interviewed This Amazing Author - We Discuss The World's Biggest Scam - Government
This author uses a ghost name at the moment because his work is that powerful. When you get people injecting poison into themselves, it's easy to understand that there are some key mental programming flaws running in the human hard drive. This author is dedicated to helped people understand the most basic programming flaw, which keeps regular people running east looking for a sunset. Most people are having massive problems in their own lives because of their false belief in government as necessary and legitimate. We take a closer look at the idea of government.
I Just Interviewed This Amazing Author - We Discuss The World's Biggest Scam - Government
This author uses a ghost name at the moment because his work is that powerful. When you get people injecting poison into themselves, it's easy to understand that there are some key mental programming flaws running in the human hard drive. This author is dedicated to helped people understand the most basic programming flaw, which keeps regular people running east looking for a sunset. Most people are having massive problems in their own lives because of their false belief in government as necessary and legitimate. We take a closer look at the idea of government.
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