Ancient Human Sacrifice Inside The Government School System
Everything in this edition of The Christoff Report is connected, if you can believe it. Unschooling expert Tasha Fishman sent me a video 2 weeks ago about an ancient Nazi philosophy, which followed an ancient religious philosophy.....and it all tied into what's happening to our children in the government school system today. Not only is that ancient philosophy rising from the dead in our government school system ......the exact same philosophy was part and parcel of the original feminist movement. What exactly is that philosophy? You can learn more about this very odd religious belief, which is being taught covertly in our government school system today, in the section below this one.
Tasha and I recorded our talk on unschooling, child sacrifice and every other inverted activity going on inside of the government school system today. If you want to pay $99 to get the recording of myself and Tasah, plus some other amazing giveaways we both included, click here or click the picture above.
Feminist Movement Has Some Odd And Shocking Origins
In this interview with Rachel Wilson, author of "Occult Feminism - The Secret History of Woman's Liberation" we hear things that no woman would ever believe. We hear things that I couldn't even believe but of course when you hear the truth, it just makes sense. It all makes perfect sense and plenty of what Rachel has to say is tied directly to almost everything we're seeing in 2023....and especially inside the government school system, regarding the drive to destroy the sexuality and reproductive capacity of the children. Click here or click the picture above to view this extremely educational interview with author Rachel Wilson. Rachel also talks about the overly sexualized female. I just wrote an article on the same topic and I dedicated some of my new podcast too that subject as well.
Action Items For Personal Growth
1. Paul's program starts in 7 days. Paul Leendertse, author of "The Root Cause of Cancer", has one of the best programs for starting your own business and also for helping people heal. This matrix we live within is a dependence matrix, which includes income dependency. Independence is where freedom will be found. Click here to learn about Paul's program or email Paul directly at [email protected]. His program starts July 9th. 1, 2, 3......go!
2. Click here to learn the truth about viruses, disease and what really makes us sick. The lie is deep my friends. You will need some good tour guides and this event has some of the best tour guides on the planet. All free of course.
Who Funded The Feminist Movement In The Past Century?
A insider steps forward and decides to do the right thing, revealing some insider information about the funding of the feminist movement, which aimed to get women out of the home and into the work force. The reasons behind this fake grass roots movement (because it was really organized by the ruling 1%) is very informative regarding this group's end goals for the children. Evil is always after the children folks, always. Put a child out in the open unprotected and you won't have to wait too long for evil to show up. Click here or click the picture above to see this short admission.
Truth Superstar - Dr. William Makis
Today we highlight truth superstar Dr. William Makis. No one is recording the sudden deaths via fake COVID vaccine (by group, sector etc) more thoroughly than Dr. William Makis.
Truth Superstar - Dr. William Makis
Today we highlight truth superstar Dr. William Makis. No one is recording the sudden deaths via fake COVID vaccine (by group, sector etc) more thoroughly than Dr. William Makis.
CLICK HERE for past editions of The Christoff Report