Can They Make Us Afraid Of Anything?
Do you remember acid rain? What about the hole in the ozone layer? What about the killer bees? What about being afraid of the sun? How did we possibly survive for millions of years without toxic chemical sunblock, proven to cause cancer? What about being afraid of the weather changing, when the weather changes all the time and has done so throughout history? Who believes any of this nonsense? Well, the only science that's truly settled is the science of psychological manipulation. We're getting worked over pretty hard by these behavioral psychologists at the moment. The people behind the green curtain at OZ can indeed make us afraid of anything...and they've been doing so for all of recorded history and beyond. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The ruling group aren't stopping their fear parade because 30% of the population keep falling for it. Making people afraid of invisible and nonexistent threats is big business......and business is booming.
When has the weather ever been the same? Isn't that what weather forecasts are for? Don't weather forecasts exist because the weather isn't the same? The weather changes of course....yet still imagine a group of clinical psychopaths getting together in a board room and saying, "let's make Joe and Jane Coffee Shop plus their friends Kevin and Karen TV Watcher afraid of the weather changing. Then when they're afraid of the weather changing we'll then tell everyone that for the weather to get better, the public will need to give up all their rights, stop eating, stop travelling, stop reproducing and go live in 15-minute concentration camps......where we'll kill them with fake vaccines, alcohol, weed, wifi and grocery stores full of poison." How many times has this group tricked you into being afraid of something that doesn't exist or something they manufactured in the first place? Fear lowers IQ and shuts down high IQ neuro-pathways. Fear is a mandatory ingredient in order that the few rule the many. Some recent lie-ahria psy-op fear campaigns are below...
ISIS, IS, ISIL, terrorists, Al-Qaeda, Ebola, coronovirus, Zika, swine flu, measles, SARS, bird flu, Muslims, killer bees, HIV, AIDS, communism, the Soviet Union, Khmer Rouge, sunlight, the unvaccinated, the devil, Satan, sin, hell, Osama Bin Laden, saturated fat, polio, the hole in the ozone layer, high cholesterol, whooping cough, monkey pox, Asian killer hornets, salt, China, high blood pressure, ticks, global warming, climate change, standing closer than 6 feet apart, acid rain, rising sea levels, West Nile virus, Charlie Hebdo, 9/11, the flesh eating disease, shingles, mad cow, asymptotic carriers, Avian bird flu, Y2K, e-coli, the shoe bomber, SV-40, the gas shortage, listeria, anthrax, Epstein-barr, MTHFR, the variants, Jeffery Epstein, Trump, H1N1, the flu, the war on terror, gun control, Omicron, bump stocks, community standards, Brexit, stock market crash, AR-15's, whooping cough, cow farts, tainted blood, standing up in a restaurant without a mask on, Lyme, unprotected sex, the Taliban, the DNC emails, delta variant etc etc. Keep them scared. Keep them in fear. Keep them obedient. Keep them dumb. Keep them slaves. |