Are All Vaccine Dangerous Or Just Some?
1. This video reviews the research that can answer that question. I'm not sure that parents are told about the information in this video. Click here.
2. As we can see in this video, vaccines have been hurting and killing children for a very long time. It's also not a "1 in a million chance for injury and death" from vaccination, as this one family can personally testify to. Click here.
3. What about the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which the government pushes heavily in government schools? That vaccine must be safe and it must be proven to prevent cervical cancer, right? Click here to learn what they're hiding from the public about the HPV vaccine and all others.
4. Did you know the Spanish Flu wasn't Spanish and it wasn't the flu either? Did you know that the Spanish Flu was started by a vaccine given to all military personal after the first world war? The media and government colluded as well to warn to the public, telling the population that they had to take the same shot because of "the germs, bugs and viruses" the troops were returning home with. Same con then, same con now. And then when the shot full of poison made people sick or killed them....the authorities declared that it was all because of The Spanish Flu. Sound familiar? Click here to learn more about this eugenic historical con job for killing and crippling the uninformed masses.
5. Here's a large collection of documentaries that explore the overall vaccine issue, over the last 200 years. Click here. People have been tricked for hundreds of years to inject poison into themselves and their own children...and then wonder why everyone's so sick and dysfunctional.
6. I've actually just added the 82nd documentary proving the COVID injection and everything COVID was a complete and utter fraud. The COVID operation was designed with the sole intention of enslaving almost everyone on earth inside a digital e-prison, in which nothing we need to survive is available. All digital restrictions will only accelerate our disease state and premature deaths. Click here for the full COVID FRAUD list of documentaries.
There's nothing really new going on during this COVID psy-op, which was launched at the public in late 2019. This group of evil and ancient ruling families have been using psychological manipulation to trick us into poisoning ourselves for a very long time. Their tricks were getting old and were getting uncovered by many, so THEY only had one final card to play and that's locking every single human down within a digital e-prison and poisoning everyone into a permanent state of that these secrets stay hidden. It's time to awaken and go on the offensive against this very small group of clinical psychopaths. We don't need government to rule over us, we never did. |