Ancient Child Sacrifice Cults
The oddest aspect of child sacrifice cults, which operate openly in our modern world today, is that the general public can't often recognize these child sacrifice cults due to basic mind control applications. For example, take circumcision, a very obvious trauma based attack on a child......but if you throw in some repetitive lies and a sprinkle of religious indoctrination.. bingo, bango, bongo.......very few can recognize the extremely obvious attack on an innocent child. How about injecting poison into children, with children in the US being recommended 26 doses of injected vaccine their first year of life. Canada recommends 24 doses of injected poison in the first year of life. Those numbers don't include the equally poisonous vitamin K shot. The most effective mechanism of mind control is "length of time" under that particular form of mind control. The longer a culture, family or individual is under one particular form of mind control.......the more they're prone to defend their indoctrinated belief systems with their lives. That defense of the absurd is all automatic. Many people, after reading this today, will still write me back telling me that God said it was OK to circumcise on the 8th day etc etc. Mind control becomes iron clad, the longer it lives without resistance in the hive mind.
Let's take a hard look at a very obvious child sacrifice cult, walking openly in our society today. Right here, right now.....child sacrifice is still alive and well. Click here to read a very interesting article I wrote about this modern-day child sacrifice cult. I'll be talking about this particular topic FREE June 25th, inside a talk titled GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF GOVERNMENT SCHOOL NOW. Tasha Fishman will also be talking on what's actually happening in government schools right now. Click here to register for free. I would bet that you don't know exactly who and what you're dealing with, in regards to what government is trying to do to children inside government schools today. |