Click the above picture or simply click here, in order to watch the brand new documentary titled, "Died Suddenly". I suggest sending this to anyone who is still sleeping and simply ask, "are you ready now to see the truth of what government and media purposely did to you? Are you finally ready?" If they say no, there's nothing you can do and you did the best you can. Focus on the people who want to save themselves.
Click here to view the last 21 Editions of The Christoff Report
14 Other COVID Documentaries
Nothing to see here. Just another 14 COVID documentaries, made after March 2020, proving that everything COVID is a documented and provable fraud. And not a fraud for profit, a fraud to push voluntary genocide.
14 Other COVID Documentaries
Nothing to see here. Just another 14 COVID documentaries, made after March 2020, proving that everything COVID is a documented and provable fraud. And not a fraud for profit, a fraud to push voluntary genocide.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths? (MyFirst Idea)
I believe the clots look a lot like what's called in science as "The Pharaoh's Serpent". A chemical reaction observed in this video and explained in greater detail in this video. The fact that the groups attacking us can be traced all the way back to black magic chemical sorcerers in ancient Egypt is something that makes me look at a reaction called, "The Pharaoh's Serpent" a little more closely.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths? (MyFirst Idea)
I believe the clots look a lot like what's called in science as "The Pharaoh's Serpent". A chemical reaction observed in this video and explained in greater detail in this video. The fact that the groups attacking us can be traced all the way back to black magic chemical sorcerers in ancient Egypt is something that makes me look at a reaction called, "The Pharaoh's Serpent" a little more closely.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths? (My Second Idea)
The clots also look like a reaction I am familiar with between both aluminum and mercury, which are common poisons used against the slave class today.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths? (My Second Idea)
The clots also look like a reaction I am familiar with between both aluminum and mercury, which are common poisons used against the slave class today.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths (My Third Idea)
Many decades ago, at a Congressional Investigation of corrupt government activity in the US, the CIA (the foreign group that owns the US, this is their private army) was forced to admit publicly that they had developed a heart attack gun many years prior. I suspect that this heart attack technology is involved in the fake COVID vaccines as well.
What's Causing These Sudden Deaths (My Third Idea)
Many decades ago, at a Congressional Investigation of corrupt government activity in the US, the CIA (the foreign group that owns the US, this is their private army) was forced to admit publicly that they had developed a heart attack gun many years prior. I suspect that this heart attack technology is involved in the fake COVID vaccines as well.
The Groups Organizing The Sudden Deaths Say More Fatal Injections Are Needed
The psychopathic mental defectives at the G20, The WHO, The UN and The WEF all agreed last week that everyone who wants to travel eventually will need to keep taking these shots, which are causing the surge in unexplained sudden deaths. Every moral person must spread the word and do something daily to shut this medical holocaust down.
The Groups Organizing The Sudden Deaths Say More Fatal Injections Are Needed
The psychopathic mental defectives at the G20, The WHO, The UN and The WEF all agreed last week that everyone who wants to travel eventually will need to keep taking these shots, which are causing the surge in unexplained sudden deaths. Every moral person must spread the word and do something daily to shut this medical holocaust down.
Get Paid To Heal This World One Person At A Time
The reason all this is happening is because of mind control and psychological manipulation. The psychological manipulation that can make a person volunteer for their own euthanasia is the same psychological manipulation that makes people self sabotage. Learn about this manipulation so you can protect yourself, your family and others. Become a Certified Self Sabotage Coach. Only 12 spots remain in this semester's class. Click my picture to learn more and register now.
Get Paid To Heal This World One Person At A Time
The reason all this is happening is because of mind control and psychological manipulation. The psychological manipulation that can make a person volunteer for their own euthanasia is the same psychological manipulation that makes people self sabotage. Learn about this manipulation so you can protect yourself, your family and others. Become a Certified Self Sabotage Coach. Only 12 spots remain in this semester's class. Click my picture to learn more and register now.
CLICK HERE to visit my podcast page. (New podcasts about why they're trying to make you eat crickets and why they're trying to vaccine euthanize minorities first)
CLICK HERE to register for your own copy of The Christoff Report.