Not too much to say today, as the videos below will say enough. You can click here to sign your name, in order to mount pressure for a Citizen's Commission into the Canadian government's illegal, unconstitutional and mind control based policies during the fake and fabricated COVID crisis. Thank you in advance. It's all about hitting the beast with every weapon we have, to drain its energy. Click here to sign. You must be Canadian.
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BlueTooth EMF Signals Coming Out of Vaxxed A Big Problem
Let's first start off today with a documentary I've listed before called "Blue-Truth". The injected material made many of the vaxxed walking transmitters and receivers of EMF radiation. Let me explain below why this is a big problem, beyond the very obvious satanic intent behind lying to the public to this extent.
BlueTooth EMF Signals Coming Out of Vaxxed A Big Problem
Let's first start off today with a documentary I've listed before called "Blue-Truth". The injected material made many of the vaxxed walking transmitters and receivers of EMF radiation. Let me explain below why this is a big problem, beyond the very obvious satanic intent behind lying to the public to this extent.
Can The BlueTooth Pathway Be Triggered To Kill The Vaccinated?
I don't like asking such questions but the evidence is mounting. There are solutions I'll get to below. This chapter of the documentary, "Fall of The Cabal" presents some evidence that electronic pulses from 5G towers can potentially end the life of people who carry the graphene oxide payload in them. There's a massive need to detox as quickly as possible.
Can The BlueTooth Pathway Be Triggered To Kill The Vaccinated?
I don't like asking such questions but the evidence is mounting. There are solutions I'll get to below. This chapter of the documentary, "Fall of The Cabal" presents some evidence that electronic pulses from 5G towers can potentially end the life of people who carry the graphene oxide payload in them. There's a massive need to detox as quickly as possible.
This Is What I'm Doing To Get The Graphene Out Of My System
The documentary above does warn that some of the unvaxxed are also carrying traces of the EMF conductive graphene oxide pay load. It appears that the graphene from the vaxxed can potentially transfer in some quantities to the unvaxxed. It also appears that the people ruling us have been slow dripping us graphene for quite some time. It's EXTREMELY important that everyone understand that both heat energy (intense exercise) and 5G EMF energy can trigger the graphene oxide in the blood to potentially clot and potentially kill. Detox protocols are included in this article.
This Is What I'm Doing To Get The Graphene Out Of My System
The documentary above does warn that some of the unvaxxed are also carrying traces of the EMF conductive graphene oxide pay load. It appears that the graphene from the vaxxed can potentially transfer in some quantities to the unvaxxed. It also appears that the people ruling us have been slow dripping us graphene for quite some time. It's EXTREMELY important that everyone understand that both heat energy (intense exercise) and 5G EMF energy can trigger the graphene oxide in the blood to potentially clot and potentially kill. Detox protocols are included in this article.
I Wear This To Protect Myself From The EMF Radiation Pulse
As Max Igan has recounted, the 5G network isn't there to give us faster download speeds because there is no faster download speeds when 5G is picked up by our devices .So what is this 5G really for? In the documentary above as well, it appears an EMF pulse ended the life of a person on a bicycle. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I use this device to protect myself the best I can from the 5G pulses and surrounding wifi radiation, which is already proven extremely dangerous on its own.
I Wear This To Protect Myself From The EMF Radiation Pulse
As Max Igan has recounted, the 5G network isn't there to give us faster download speeds because there is no faster download speeds when 5G is picked up by our devices .So what is this 5G really for? In the documentary above as well, it appears an EMF pulse ended the life of a person on a bicycle. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I use this device to protect myself the best I can from the 5G pulses and surrounding wifi radiation, which is already proven extremely dangerous on its own.
People Are Speaking Up And Here's A Great Example
Although it may seem a little insane out there, I do have to tell you that they've been doing this for your entire life. It's just getting your attention now. Hang in there, stay strong, we can get through this. Evil never wins long term. It's time to find your voice and do your part to push back on the fraudulent narrative. This lady gives a brilliant example of how to use your voice for good, in only 3 minutes.
People Are Speaking Up And Here's A Great Example
Although it may seem a little insane out there, I do have to tell you that they've been doing this for your entire life. It's just getting your attention now. Hang in there, stay strong, we can get through this. Evil never wins long term. It's time to find your voice and do your part to push back on the fraudulent narrative. This lady gives a brilliant example of how to use your voice for good, in only 3 minutes.