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Brand-New Article and Brand-New Explosive Presentation - yes, this new article is explosive and so is the new 2-hour presentation I'm giving July 28th, where the world will learn everything it needs to know about mind control. Protect your family. Protect your health. Learn about mind control. Click here.
Brand-New Podcast - this is part II of my interview on The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show. I may have been in a bad mood before this podcast started, so it's a really good one of course. Click here for Part II or click here for Part 1. Thank you for listening.
Do You Want To Start a Business and Take Control of Your Life? - Imagine starting your own business as a Root Cause Practitioner, who specializes in cancer prevention and cancer reversal.Click here to explore this one-of-a-kind program and scroll down the page to see the amazing cancer reversal testimonials. Get more independent today. Dig yourself out of the system.
ILLEGAL GOVERNMENTS USING MIND CONTROL AGAINST THE PUBLIC-repetition is a big part of mind control and here's a prime example of the repetition based scripts used by world governments, to place their own citizens under a spell, which ended with people injecting poison into themselves and their own kids. Click here to view soulless government staffers in action.
YOU DID IT. YOU ARE AMAZING!! YOU HELPED US GET TO $5000!! -Click here to learn more. It's time to help the people who are helping us. Help support Dr. Mark Trozzi. Thank you in advance. We're going to keep going! Thank you. You're awesome!