Delayed Heart Attack and Stroke Deaths Mount Months After Taking Their Last Shot. Here's How To Avoid It....
Inside a society where everyone just wants to have fun as Rome burns, very few people have the courage to face the truth that they're living through a very polite and well organized vaccine holocaust. Holocaust means "burnt offering" of course and we all know where that word comes from. Click here if you don't. Click here for 28 documentaries regarding the death-centric focus that government, media, science and medicine are now taking with a very weak, dependent and dumbed down population. Today I want to give people a fighting chance if they've taken the fake vaccine, in order that they may avoid having a fatal heart attack or stroke in the very near future. We break from my regular format today for this special report, which has been shadow banned on all cabal controlled social media platforms.
1. The inserted payload now floats openly waiting to be triggered in around 2 billion people. Around 2 billion have taken the fake COVID vaccine and that means about 25% of the population are walking around with this junk in their blood. White nations, who were heavily addicted to pleasure, took the bait the hardest because they were promised more earthly pleasures if they complied with voluntary injection. African nations are the least injected because they are well aware of these evil programs, simply because these evil programs have been rolling in Africa for decades.
3. The fatal triggering of the payload effects males more than females and this is by design, as removing men from circulation has always been a primary goal of the group organizing all this. This reduction of men ( and feminizing the few males who remain) has been going on for a very long time. If you want to learn more about the documented agenda to cull the strong men and feminize the rest, please click here.
4. Common energy source triggers for the payload pushed under the skin are a) high heat from intense exercise and b) exposure to higher than normal wifi fields (public events or public areas that use many wifi applications simultaneously). These triggers cause the blood to solidify, thus removing the host. Males generate more heat in general ( because testosterone is a metabolic accelerator) therefore the payload is triggered most easily in males.
5. The points in #4 above can be exasperated if the blood is thicker already due to dehydration. People who drink water removing caffeine products and alcohol or simply aren't healthy with their water intake are especially vulnerable. Drinking caffeine, alcohol and not drinking adequate amounts of clean water would make the blood more like ketchup than water, in regards to its viscosity. Athletic performance also drains the body of water and plenty of injected male athletes are dropping dead.
6. The people organizing all this are working toward a ban of all exercise and sport, as to eliminate yet another way by which humans maintain their strength. The people organizing all this desire humans weak and more manageable on every level possible. You can't farm lions, only lambs.