I know this sounds a little tinfoil hattish but this new article takes a very simple approach to describing what we're seeing in our world today. You can read this new article by clicking the picture above or by clicking here. Enjoy.
If you click the picture above or click here, you can watch an interview with the founder of GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS. She understands what's going on and how a very dark agenda is hiding behind the gay pride flag, in order to get closer to the children. There are millions of gay people who are sounding the alarm and they want to completely remove themselves from any association with what the government and media are doing do the children, mostly in government schools. Everyone needs to come together and push back.
Important Updates
1. Paul Leendertse, author of The Root Cause of Cancer, has a new video today titled "Do Billionaires Die of Cancer?" You'll need to start working for yourself because of what's coming. Paul's program is perfect for starting your own business in a hurry. A business where the market is ever expanding rapidly unfortunately. Helping people heal is now the business to be in.
2. Click here to learn the truth about viruses, diseases and what's really makes us sick. Unfortunately there's nothing invisible that floats in the air that makes us sick. The virus theory of disease causation could be the biggest medical con job of all times. From polio to measles.....poison makes us sick, no the invisible. It's the visible that makes us sick. VIsiable poison.
Child trafficking, child sex and child ritual sacrifice unfortunately is not only big business but it's part and parcel of the inner workings of many of the big powers hiding behind government. Like the 150 pieces that make up the average watch, every one of the topics I speak about work together in order to produce the dark, rotting and inverted world we're living in. We need to push back and take down the darkness together. Click the picture above or click here to see a documentary regarding child trafficking. Keep your children close and protect them always. Step between evil and your children. Be the shield.
Truth Superstar - Ted Kuntz
Today we highlight truth superstar Ted Kuntz. Ted is the founder of Vaccine Choice Canada. He's been fighting for the rights of parents across the world for decades. He is a warrior of what's right, moral and ethical.
Truth Superstar - Ted Kuntz
Today we highlight truth superstar Ted Kuntz. Ted is the founder of Vaccine Choice Canada. He's been fighting for the rights of parents across the world for decades. He is a warrior of what's right, moral and ethical.
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