3 Reasons Why I Moved Out of Canada
1. Like all other countries who are witnessing this attack right now, the populations are under deep forms of mind control. As a mind control researcher, I can tell you that mind control this deep is generally only broken if the public experiences "more pain". This generally means that things need to get worse before they get better and before more Canadians are broken out of their comfort comas. The pain needed to awaken the masses is now coming. The Canadian people will indeed experience what's needed to break the media and sedation-based spells cast upon them. Millions will die unfortunately in Canada while this process runs its course. It's always safer historically to watch this process play out from afar. I fight from Canada from a safe distance, simply because what's happening is a process that's organized by nature (God/the creator etc) to make people put things back in their proper priority again.
2. To get the Canadian population exactly where this ancient group needs them to be, financial poverty has to be inserted into the collective. Many financial dragons are now circling the Canadian population and those dragons are holding bellies of fire. The government is now set to bankrupt itself and its own banking system, as a way to literally steal the assets of the slave class. The excuse here will be, "we need your house, your retirement savings, your pension, your bank accounts, your cash and your complete enslavement to save you from the extreme dangers of this world......climate, viruses, inequality, inequity, injustice, instability." The problem here is that all these threats are fake and they're sold to the public via documented mind control. Having a residency in another country provides a unique opportunity to shelter wealth and assets in a separate country, not currently targeted for financial demolition.
3. Canada is now openly trying to euthanize and genocide its own citizens in many ways. Historically, this isn't a good sign.......to put it mildly. Hospitals are being purposely understaffed, in order to delay life extending services and accelerate the death rate. The fake vaccines of course were always designed to kill and cripple. Seniors are being denied basic care (plus being poisoned with fake vaccines) in short term care facilities, to literally cull them as fast as possible. Sexually confusing children or turning them trans via documented mind control tactics (in government schools) does accomplish a form of genocide, albeit a longer duration form of genocide time wise. Let's not forget Canada's MAID System....Medical Assistance in Dying. A system where you can genocide yourself and the government will pay for it....simply because life is tough. An odd situation as the government is the one making everything tough on purpose.....by killing family members with fake vaccines, closing businesses and generally adding instability throughout the entire culture. When democide is occurring, it's time to start thinking about moving out of the area.
I'll be reviewing many things like this during my Mexico PLAN B talk this coming weekend. There's also a Q and A period where you can ask me anything you wish. Click here to register. |