The Depopulation Agenda
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Evil is a word that's LIVE spelled backwards. This is how our ancestors tried to teach us about something on this planet, which lives here with us. There is something electrical or etheric that lives here with us in this world and that dark something is anti-life at its very core. This anti-life force has one mission and that mission is to destroy all life....all of it, no exceptions. As easy as a North American death cult member smashes a bug just for crawling out in the open, this evil force smashes in the same way....wanting to kill anything that moves.
No one really knows where this anti-life dark force comes from exactly, so the best our ancestors could do is watch for any person, animal or organization that started to show the signs of evil (a hatred of life) and react quickly once it was identified. Anything that is anti-life is EVIL by definition. Our society (as a whole) certainly hasn't reacted appropriately to evil in a very long time. Quite the opposite. In fact, you could say that evil (as an etheric/electrical force) has possessed a great number of people on this planet, where protest erupts with extreme anger if someone dares speak of trying to interfere with the killing of unborn children. This is only one example. Even if you mention wanting to "not kill unborn children", you can literally feel evil enter the room looking for a fight. Never ignore your feelings, you can feel evil moving through people when you speak of protecting life on this planet. Evil can easily work through the human vessel, so it's important to use the phrase, "by their fruits, you shall know them" order to identify when evil is afoot.
What's actually going on here, in our society regarding the public's accelerating death centric obsessions? I can't give you a concrete answer. What I can tell you is that the ancient Gods of human sacrifice have now returned to remind us that we do share this planet with an evil we would like to collectively forget about. For people who can't see what's really going on here, they often have nowhere to evil devours them and their children in plain sight. Let's review some depopulation agendas, which of course are all anti-life......which by definition means they are all pure evil. |