Embalmers around the world reporting a) a rise in deaths b) a rise in unexplained sudden deaths in young people and c) a massive increase in clots that aren't like any other clots they've ever seen before. Most parties involved are leaning toward the fake COVID vaccine as the perpetrator.
Embalmers around the world reporting a) a rise in deaths b) a rise in unexplained sudden deaths in young people and c) a massive increase in clots that aren't like any other clots they've ever seen before. Most parties involved are leaning toward the fake COVID vaccine as the perpetrator.
The primary psychic precursor of someone who has taken the fake COVID vaccine is often someone who's life has very little meaning. When a population is empty of meaning, direction and morality...anything that gives them purpose and direction is often embraced, even if it destroys the people themselves and the society they live in. This author explains this historical ambush..
The primary psychic precursor of someone who has taken the fake COVID vaccine is often someone who's life has very little meaning. When a population is empty of meaning, direction and morality...anything that gives them purpose and direction is often embraced, even if it destroys the people themselves and the society they live in. This author explains this historical ambush..
It takes on average 12 years to fully test any past vaccine and get it to market. In that 12 year period 96% of all vaccine applicants are rejected. Now, injections (that are called vaccines but are not vaccines) are being rolled out on the public without any testing whatsoever, in only weeks. They're trying to kill and injure as many as possible, before more awaken. Dr. Meryl Nass reviews "the non science" behind the new booster.
It takes on average 12 years to fully test any past vaccine and get it to market. In that 12 year period 96% of all vaccine applicants are rejected. Now, injections (that are called vaccines but are not vaccines) are being rolled out on the public without any testing whatsoever, in only weeks. They're trying to kill and injure as many as possible, before more awaken. Dr. Meryl Nass reviews "the non science" behind the new booster.
A special report made for the Liberal Government of Canada reveals that the fake COVID vaccine has ZERO benefit for anyone under 60. It's still an intellectually dishonest report nonetheless but it's a start, as injecting poison has no benefit for anyone obviously.
A special report made for the Liberal Government of Canada reveals that the fake COVID vaccine has ZERO benefit for anyone under 60. It's still an intellectually dishonest report nonetheless but it's a start, as injecting poison has no benefit for anyone obviously.
Medical doctor, Dr. Rashid Buttar, explains in this brilliant video that 72 million Americans didn't take one shot of the fake COVID vaccine and 157 million only took 1 shot, refusing to take anymore because they understood that it was a con job. That means 70% of Americans aren't "vaccinated", with only a minority 30% still taking a knee to the intense propaganda.
Medical doctor, Dr. Rashid Buttar, explains in this brilliant video that 72 million Americans didn't take one shot of the fake COVID vaccine and 157 million only took 1 shot, refusing to take anymore because they understood that it was a con job. That means 70% of Americans aren't "vaccinated", with only a minority 30% still taking a knee to the intense propaganda.
What is it with the ruling 1% regarding their pedophilia and child sacrifice obsessions? People who watch the TV will be shocked at such a question but let's take a look at The Royal Family and see what we can uncover. Are people being mind controlled to have passionate love affairs with extremely evil people who hunt children?
What is it with the ruling 1% regarding their pedophilia and child sacrifice obsessions? People who watch the TV will be shocked at such a question but let's take a look at The Royal Family and see what we can uncover. Are people being mind controlled to have passionate love affairs with extremely evil people who hunt children?
Why is the government poisoning us? Why is the media lying to the public, telling the people that the poison is safe? Medical doctor, Dr. Carrie Madej, has a simple message. If you don't understand good and evil or God and Satan, you won't be able to understand what's really going on today.
Why is the government poisoning us? Why is the media lying to the public, telling the people that the poison is safe? Medical doctor, Dr. Carrie Madej, has a simple message. If you don't understand good and evil or God and Satan, you won't be able to understand what's really going on today.
CLICK HERE to register for your own copy of The Christoff Report.
CLICK HERE to detox from these toxic injections and all past vaccines.
CLICK HERE to register for a BRAND NEW EVENT titled "High Energy Women - Expert Health Strategies To Super Charge Your Energy, Beat Burnout and Live With More Passion!" I'm talking at this event.