Powerful Mind Control Demo - Tricking People To Commit Murder
This is a very powerful demonstration of mind control. UK mind control specialist (Derren Brown) organizes a master class in psychological manipulation that ends with normal people getting mind controlled into committing murder. If mind control can make people commit murder, it's child's play to make people drink poison, smoke, eat junk food, work a job they don't like, inject poison and steal their money through excessive taxation etc etc. Please understand that if you self sabotage in anyway, the same tactics are used against you....to make you do it. I have a master class coming up in 5 days, which teaches people every mind control trick in the book, in order that they remove their mind control based self-destruction...and live out a better life. Come work with me LIVE this Saturday. Save yourself. Save your loved ones. Do better. Live better. Take full control of your life. Smile again.
A Great Documentary On Mind Control
This film is a great way to come up to speed on mind control and how it's used against the public every single day. If you're hurting your health in anyway, by your own hand, you're under mind control. If you're addicted to anything, mind control has been cleverly crafted to get you there. If you believe medical poison can make you healthier, you're under a very deep form of mind control. If you believe that a person who hands out medical poison is a "health expert", mind control is being used purposely to destroy and weaken you...for ease of rule purposes. What you don't know about mind control can indeed be hurting you in ways you could never imagine. Learn everything "mind control" with me come Sept 30th....in only 5 days.
My 10 Minute Talk On Mind Control At The EU Parliament
For a very short run down on the mind control weaponized against the public during the fake and fabricated COVID plandemic, click here. The power of mind control can make people do absolutely anything, including waiting patiently in line to poison themselves and their own children.
What Else Can Mind Control Make You Do?
The average person would never believe that the great majority of their decisions in life are impregnated into them, via outside forces and groups they've never heard of. The vast majority of our daily routines, from eating poison and drinking poison to working jobs we're not interested in.....are programmed into us via simple mind control tactics. The average person believes they've made all these decisions on their own, to lead generally mundane and unsatisfying lives, but the truth is........it isn't them directing their lives whatsoever. Click here or click the picture above to learn more. If you want to get your life out of the ditch, click here and come work with me LIVE this coming Saturday. Christoff Coaching is unlike any other.
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