Can You Live Your Dreams If You Start Out Poor and Broken?
I coach a private group 3 times per month and I often share inspirational videos, in order to provide proof of claim......that it is possible to build an amazing life, regardless of where you start off in your journey. I love this message from Lisa Nichols. Click here or click her picture above to watch this inspiring content. It's important to keep sane in these hard times. You can indeed pursue your dreams in hard times. When you do decide to face these hard times with bravery and courage, you'll skyrocket to success when the hard times end......which they will. Work with me Sept 30th, in order to reach your fullest potential and to reclaim your personal power. Let me show you what it takes to face hard times and still keep moving ahead.
Can You Make A Living Pursuing Your Passion?
I know this answer as fact.....and the answer is YES! I started talking "truth" about 20 years ago. Along the way I've seen the world turn around, regarding what they believed was true and not true, especially in relation to government and media. Over my career of pursuing what I believed in, I've been invited to speak to media influencers in private session and I've also been invited to speak at The EU Parliament on the subject of mind control. Currently some powerful families in the EU are looking to understand more about how this government/media illusion works, so that appointment is next. Just today I got invited to speak on a platform where 10 million people are being reached on a regular basis every week. In the end, I make a living doing what's right, instead of doing what's easy. I followed my passion. I'm living proof that you can make a living doing what you think is interesting. When I would get discouraged over the years, this is the video I would watch. Click here.
Can You Use Pain and Trauma As Fuel For Your Goals?
When I was a kid, the world was a scary place. Beyond the scariness, the world was also unfair. Being that it was so unfair, it brought me plenty of inner pain. At that point, I had a choice. Would I allow my pain to make me hide from the world or would I use that pain as the fuel I needed to go out and change that unfair world? I'm sure you understand what choice I made long ago. Click here to watch the motivational video above. My 20 years of experience can help you learn decades of knowledge in only days. Come work with me Sept 30th and give yourself a chance to allow your dreams to shine through.
Can Being Around Like Minds Improve Your Well Being?
When you find your tribe, your vibe moves skyward and you feel amazing. This is myself, Dr. Jessica Rose and Dr. Byram Bridle at the European Union Parliament before we all presented there. Dr. Bryam Bridle, Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Robert Malone are meeting in Toronto Sept 20th for a gathering of like minds, which anyone can attend. Dr, Malone is presenting on the psychological warfare model, knowns as 5th Generation Warfare. Click here to get your tickets and gather around like minds. If you would like to get two free tickets, be the first to email me back with the answer to this question, "what is the toxic chemical that our human farmers purposely place in our water supplies and toothpastes, proven to cause brain damage and cancer?" Be the first to email me the correct reply and I will send you two free tickets!
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