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David Martin Pulls No Punches In This Interview About Monkeypox - although this interview starts off with a short discussion about viruses etc, it quickly brings the truth to the surface about the fake monkeypox outbreak....why it's happening right now, who's funding it and what the real play is. Click here.
His Handicapped Daughter Was Murdered By The Medical System - He Has a Unique Warning - in this very well cited presentation, Scott explains that the math and the money are simple. In most cases your medical doctor has to poison, injure or even murder you....or they don't get paid. Click here.
Military Destroying Their Own Soldiers With Fake COVID Vaccines and Other Toxic Vaccines as Well - this is an agenda. You can't take down Western civilization from the outside, you need to weaken it and collapse it from the inside. Tricking the West to destroy itself through injected poison, is part of a 5th Generation Warfare Operation against the West. Very few strong people remain in government employment because the strong ones left long ago, many volunteered for the poison (as to keep the jobs they don't enjoy)..leaving a thick maple syrup of easily corrupted individuals at the wheels of power. Click here. This 24-year-old soldier was told the shot was safe and effective. Now, she's crippled for life. The government just fired her for being disabled from the shot.
US Military Being Destroyed Through Fake Vaccines For Decades If Not Hundreds of Years - out of all the people on the planet, the US military service members take the most vaccines of any human on the planet. This video is nearly 20 years old. Do you see any similarities to the video above? Yes, "operation destroy the US military from within via injected poison" has been rolling hard core for a long time. Click here.
Prelude To A Foreign Invasion - US Military and Western Citizens Being Vaccine Weakened for a Very Long Time - more stories decades old, but the patterns are clear. Vaccines pushed on US military service members are killing and crippling. It's not long now before the desired effect is achieved and a foreign attack is launched at the depleted US military. Click here.