What Action Should You Be Taking?
There are indeed people today who know what's going on. That's great. It's one thing to know what's going on. It's quite another to be taking action on that knowledge. You need to work on both...acquiring knowledge and taking action. I bought a natural gas-powered generator, got a couple chest freezers, started to stockpile food, got lots of guns/ammo, started a business online and got organized with the right people for when SHTF. But all that prep was organized in Canada. Then I moved to Mexico, which was also essential for many reasons in my survival-based pursuits and in my personal life as well. Now I'm preparing once again, sort of starting from scratch. Many people think Canada (and other courtiers) are going back to "normal" but in short.....that's simply not true at this point in time. My latest article "Something Is Wrong In Canada" is getting lots of views worldwide and it reviews Canada's slide into some very dangerous illusions. Canada is set to make North Korea look like a free and democratic republic, if Canadians don't break out of their comfort comas.
The easiest way you can take action is stock piling food and developing your gardening skills and then moving up the list. Again, when a bear is chasing you, you don't have to run faster than the bear....you only have to run faster than the person next to you. Somewhere on the prep list is getting an online business (a new skill) under your belt. My advice is to look at the info below and think about becoming a Cancer Prevention Coach, under Paul Leendertse, author of "The Root Cause of Cancer". Click here to start your investigation. You can use discount code JASON100 to save some money on enrollment. Paul is a natural healer. Some amazing videos are below.
A student in Paul's course reverses her breast cancer. Click here.
A client of Paul's reverses her uterine cancer. Click here
Anna tells her story of reversing many different cancers she had. Click here.
Click here for my free cancer talk. |