Where Are Some of These Agendas Going?
The point of this brief description below (because it could be 50 points long), is to remind people that the lesson is always the same. That lesson is simple... if you don't start to use your voice, God will keep sending you something harsher to deal with, so that you finally start using your voice. This chaos all stops pretty quickly when every single person starts to use their voice.
1. Money and arms are flowing to the Ukraine because the Ukraine is set to become the New World Order Capital country...a new crime syndicate super headquarters. This NWO army via donated weapons will be turned against any country who wants to break away and think on its own. An instant army and instant weapons plus an instant war chest of finances. Each country will provide finances and arms, until each country is bankrupt and without arms...and then will be told to fall in line or to face the military consequences.
2. The fake COVID vaccines contained GMO material, which registers each human as intellectual property of the vaccine maker who developed the injection. This will be the legal stroke of a pen needed to remove property rights and voting rights etc from the GMO nonhumans. Next time the TV tells everyone to inject themselves with poison, please call a conspiracy theorist first before you comply.
3. Today women are being told that they're not women and that men dressed in women's clothing are the real women. Over the next couple of decades, women appear to be on the way out, where only beta males and men in drag may remain.....who will indeed have sex with each other, as most prison experiments have already proven. Real females will be made illegal, through sterilization, and a climate change bumper sticker will be slapped over this entire depopulation agenda...to make it sound groovy for the woke left/self-hating mobs. Yes, they've tried this before. Every time a man parades as a woman in our society and is celebrated plus anytime men dress in drag and parade in from of young children like they're superheroes......without everyone else coming together to burn those events to the ground (metaphorically of course)....the closer we get to removing women from our culture altogether.
4. This is also why they're trying to turn all the children gay in schools or sexually confuse them.. because heterosexual unions will be made illegal, for climate change reasons......and yes there is no climate change crisis but most humans like to feel like heroes when they're just too cowardly to fight back.
5. I see some patterns in the matrix code that may indicate they're going to make alcohol illegal, which will lead most likely to more people entering the MAID systems in Canada (and similar systems in Australia). If this comes about we would also see a massive migration over to harder drugs, for people who can't handle reality, which in the end would increase the death rate via overdose. This is also why Canada is accelerating the legalization of most hard drugs. Canada wants as many people committing suicide in their MAID system as possible, in conjunction with as many people as possible overdosing on the new legalized hard drugs. Most governments are looking to murder as many of their TV watching citizens as possible and they're getting very creative in that Satanic pursuit.
6. The mass migration agenda is there to keep population statistics high, which is one way of fooling the domestic citizens that they're not being systemically euthanized by fake vaccines and many other 5 Generation Warfare modalities. Without the mass migration, it would be obvious to the anglo onlookers that they're not reproducing enough and that their cities are empty via a genocide-based operation that's been happening for 50 years. Once all the white people are euthanized, the satanic government death cult will just keep euthanizing the migrants as well. no one is to be spared.....just like the story of the scorpion and the frog.
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