5 Reasons To Still Have Hope
1. If this defective group really had the power to inject us with poison BY FORCE, they wouldn't need to use documented mind control tactics to trick the people to inject poison into themselves and into their own children. This means the ruling group doesn't carry any significant measure of power other than the power we provide them over our bodies and minds. We're dealing with a weak enemy and it's time to put the trash to the curb.
2. If this defective group really had the power, they wouldn't need to censor any idea, belief or information transmission. They would just bulldoze us regardless, as we believed whatever we wanted to believe. But they don't do they? Their censorship means that they have very little real power. It also means that this defective group are afraid of the people, especially if the people start thinking on their own. This means we have the real power.
3. If this mentally defective group had any measure of real power, why would they try and take away the guns, the food, the water, our connection with others, the free flow of information and also poison us on every level imaginable? How weak do they need to make us, in order for them to win a fight with us? The only combatant who needs to make their enemy this weak, in order to win a fight, is a combatant that's extremely weak, fragile and cowardly themselves. Anyone working for the government best start reassessing the fragility of the force they're hedging their bets with. When the wheels fly off this horse and pony show, "we the people" aren't going to have too much tolerance for the government work force.
4. There are two things that keep the public from dismantling the government where it stands and rearranging the assets of this world to serve the people. Those two things are a) mind control and b) poison. That's the glue holding this entire illusion together. That's all these defective misleaders have in their favor, in order to keep the public weak enough to win a fight with. And guess what? The public are starting to turn their backs on many of the slave camp poisons plus people are starting to recognize the mind control....and are working against it. This wave of health improvement and seeing the mind control all around us is accelerating. We're about to hit escape velocity within this acceleration. At that point we're all going to chase these clinical psychopaths back into the shadows from where they came. They have overplayed their hand.
5. The primary foundation of all mind control is indoctrinated blind faith in government and media. That foundation now has some major cracks in it, which will never be repaired. Very few trust anything the government or media says anymore and the people who did, are unfortunately dying from the shot in one way or another. The legions of independent reporters in the world (like me and millions more like me) are DESTROYING the media mind control each and every day. Truth wins. God wins. The light wins. What's right, moral, ethical and just always wins.....always. Do your part. Turn your eyes away from all government announcements and media circuses PLUS reject all poisons purposely littered throughout the slave camp.
If you're looking to vector up in your own life very quickly, my flagship program has its opening day this Sunday. Only 12 spots remain of 100. Click here for full details. I hope to see you on opening day. |