Just a quick Christoff Report here today ladies and gentlemen, as I prepare for the opening day of my International Self Sabotage Coaching School. You still have some time if you would like to register and come join our group of 100 strong. Please click the picture above or simply click here, for the full details of my school. A pay in full and pay monthly option are linked in the article. Hope to have you as the last student enrolled and see you today for our opening ceremony.
Click here to view the last 28 Editions of The Christoff Report
Although I'll do a special report on the climate change hoax, here's a good video to start off with, proving that the evil ruling families on this planet have fabricated a crisis, in order to place the public under the deepest forms of slavery in recorded history. They aren't looking out for us. They want to use, abuse and exterminate us...in order to steal our assets.
Although I'll do a special report on the climate change hoax, here's a good video to start off with, proving that the evil ruling families on this planet have fabricated a crisis, in order to place the public under the deepest forms of slavery in recorded history. They aren't looking out for us. They want to use, abuse and exterminate us...in order to steal our assets.
Climate Change Based Slavery Is An Old Plan of Evil Families
This brilliant documentary is now up to 9 parts but all you need to do is watch PART 1 to see that a man by the name of Dr. John Coleman accidentally discovered the evil plans of faked climate change decades ago.
Climate Change Based Slavery Is An Old Plan of Evil Families
This brilliant documentary is now up to 9 parts but all you need to do is watch PART 1 to see that a man by the name of Dr. John Coleman accidentally discovered the evil plans of faked climate change decades ago.
The Vaccinated Are Having Massive Fertility Issues
Included in the plan to place the world under climate change slavery is a depopulation facet as well. The COVID injections are not vaccines by standard medical definition and they've already depopulated millions off the planet. Birth rates are plummeting. Still births, spontaneous abortions and infertility are also now sky rocketing...as the depopulation agenda of these ancient ruling families comes into clear focus.
The Vaccinated Are Having Massive Fertility Issues
Included in the plan to place the world under climate change slavery is a depopulation facet as well. The COVID injections are not vaccines by standard medical definition and they've already depopulated millions off the planet. Birth rates are plummeting. Still births, spontaneous abortions and infertility are also now sky rocketing...as the depopulation agenda of these ancient ruling families comes into clear focus.
CLICK HERE to visit my podcast page. (New podcasts about why they're trying to make you eat crickets and why they're trying to vaccine euthanize minorities first)
CLICK HERE to register for your own copy of The Christoff Report.