The Weaponized Psychology Behind The Fake COVID Operation
I have a BRAND NEW PODCAST just out, regarding the weaponized psychology used against the public during the COVID no-demic. Click here or click the picture above to listen.
Maybe one of the most important interviews since the COVID fake-demic was launched in 2020. The COVID psychological operation was launched at the public by a group of ancient ruling families, who only know how to poison and brainwash the population, in order to maintain this ancient group's corrupt power structure. Click the picture above or click here to watch this interview.
If you click here or click the picture above, you can get access to a preformatted letter that I have composed for all politicians and appointed officials, who need to be reminded that we are still here demanding that they step down due to their criminal behavior over the last 3 years.
If you click here or click the picture above, you can gain free access to an online event, which starts tomorrow. This event will help you understand one of the foundational cons enslaving humanity today. This event will explain this con in such great detail that anyone who watches it, will never fall for another fake pandemic ever again.
Truth Superstar - Liam Scheff
Today we highlight truth superstar Liam Scheff. Although Liam passed away many years ago, from an unknown illness, his book titled "Official Stories" is a must read for any truth teller.
Truth Superstar - Liam Scheff
Today we highlight truth superstar Liam Scheff. Although Liam passed away many years ago, from an unknown illness, his book titled "Official Stories" is a must read for any truth teller.
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