Poisoning of The Body and THE MIND Are Behind Cancer
Is the war on cancer just another psy-op that's designed to increase death, disease and dysfunction in our society? In the documentary, "CUT, POISON, BURN" (which you can watch by clicking here), we see a coordinated attack on natural cures that are proven to reverse cancer, while special interest groups are only funding initiatives that increase cancer growth and spread. Click here to watch the documentary "The Idiot Cycle", where it's proven that the companies who manufacture cancer causing chemicals are the exact same companies that make conventional cancer treatments....which oddly enough are proven to increase cancer growth and spread. Yes, chemotherapy and radiation plus the foods routinely fed to cancer patients in oncology wards are all DOCUMENTED to cause cancer. Did you know mammograms are proven to cause breast cancer? Click here to explore the mammogram/cancer connection. Why would they tell women to get mammograms if mammograms are proven to cause cancer? The COVID shot has lead to an explosion of what are being called turbo cancers. What's going on here and what can a person do to prevent cancer or reverse it, if they happen to have it?
Click here for the best book on understanding and reversing cancer, ever written. (IMO)
Click here to view a video by the author of that amazing book, where he explains the primary problem with the current cancer paradigm.
Click here to listen to an amazing interview with this same author, as he explains what's really causing today's cancer rates......which are nearly 1 in every 2 people.
This author now instructs people on how to deal with the emotional causes of cancer. Paul is a leading pioneer in this emerging field of the emotional impacts that cause cancer. Click here to learn about his program or to reach out to him personally because his next certification starts July 9th 2023. You can email Paul personally at [email protected]
Paul's course is perfect for a) people who want to start a business as a Real-Self Emotional Healing Guide or a Cancer Prevention Coach b) people who have cancer and want to reverse it and c) people who want to master their emotional wellbeing and overall health. |