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BRAND NEW ARTICLE - it doesn't matter if someone is vaccinated or not, every person in the world can study how the vaccinated reacted to the media brainwashing, to fully understand how mind control works. Once we know what mind control looks like and how it works, only then can we sidestep the next major mind control operation. Click here to read this brand-new article.
BRAND NEW INTERVIEW - I was interviewed by The Fair Food Forager and Friend Podcast. In this podcast I explain how the vaccinated used their intelligence to buy into a lie, while the unvaccinated used their intelligence to sidestep a lie. Click here to listen to this newly released podcast.
CAN CANCER BE REVERSED SAFELY? - do you have cancer personally? Maybe you know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer? Did you know that there's a course to help people reverse cancer and to help people never get cancer in the first place? Click here to explore this one-of-a-kind program and scroll down the page to see the amazing cancer reversal testimonials.
BRAND NEW MOVIE ABOUT MMR VACCINE CORRUPTION-it doesn't really matter the label on the vaccine, they're all part of the same toxic con job. There's big profit in making you sick because there's a point in your slide into sickness, where the attacking group can openly steal your assets without your question or resistance. You're here in the "steal your assets" part of this plan. Click here to watch the movie trailer about MMR corruption.
GOVERNMENT STAFFER EXPLAINS WHY YOUR KIDS MUST BE POISONED AND GET AUTISM (BRAIN DAMAGE) SO SHE CAN KEEP HER JOB - yes, that's basically what she says. Click here to see evil doing its thing. It's not only one fake vaccine, it's all of them. Don't be fooled.
GUESS WHO'S BLOCKING CONTINUED EXCAVATION OF ANCIENT ARCHOLOGICAL SITE - the same people who are trying to vaccine poison the entire world population are also blocking the continued excavation of Gobekli Tepe. That's because this war is an ancient war and they want to keep the past buried before we find out what's really happening. Click here.
LETS GET TO $5000 -Click here to learn more. It's time to help the people who are helping us. Help support Dr. Mark Trozzi. Help us get to $5000. Thank you in advance.